
Croatia's Coronavirus Update: 979 New Cases, Nine Deaths, 1,262 Recoveries

By 17 July 2022
Croatia's Coronavirus Update: 979 New Cases, Nine Deaths, 1,262 Recoveries
Image: Pixabay

ZAGREB, 17 July 2022 - Croatia has registered 979 new coronavirus cases and nine COVID-related deaths in the last 24 hours, according to the data released by the national COVID-19 crisis management team on Sunday.

There are 9,761 active cases, including 490 hospitalized patients, 20 of whom are on ventilators, while 4,928 persons are self-isolating.

In the last 24 hours, 2,993 persons have tested for coronavirus, and one in three has been positive. There have been 1,262 recoveries.

Until 16 July, 2,316,018 persons received at least one shot of the vaccination against this infectious disease.

The infection has taken 16,156 lives to date in Croatia.

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