
Plenković Comments on Case of Reporter Matijanić's Death

By 26 August 2022

ZAGREB, 26 August, 2022 - Commenting on the death of journalist Vladimir Matijanić, Prime Minister Andrej Plenković said on Friday that everything should be investigated, but there cannot be any insinuations that someone is being protected, adding that Health Minister Vili Beroš's could not be held responsible.

The Croatian Journalists' Association (HND) asserted today that Matijanić was killed by the state and the system and demanded the dismissal of Minister Beroš, but Plenković, speaking to the press while visiting Primorje-Gorski Kotar County, did not wish to comment on the case because he did not see the statement and only knows what was presented by an expert commission and health inspectorate at a press conference.

The HND called the inspection report shameful and demands a thorough investigation, while Plenković added that regardless of what the commission and inspectorate said, the State Attorney's Office (DORH) and police would deal with the case ex officio.

Asked if Minister Beroš was responsible, Plenković assessed that what the commission presented "is much more informative for those who want to read and listen than what had been read so far."

He added that he was sorry that a young man died, but when asked if this was a shame for the healthcare system, he replied that everything should be investigated.

Responding to claims by reporters that Beroš could have dismissed those responsible, Plenković asked if journalists were now taking justice into their own hands.

"In a legal and democratic state like ours, you know who is responsible for what. There is a ministry, a health inspectorate, and an expert commission. And there are other bodies that may look at the same facts from a different angle. Whether that will be the same or not is yet to be seen. I don't know that, nor you or your colleagues," he said.
