
Croatian Tourist Board Recaps Season 2022, Many Records Broken

Croatian Tourist Board Recaps Season 2022, Many Records Broken
Romulic & Stojcic

January 3, 2023 - The Croatian Tourist Board recapped the tourist season 2022 in Croatia, commenting on the positive results in visits and overnight stays, and expectations for 2023.

As Poslovni writes, last year, Croatia achieved 91 percent of its 2019 turnover in arrivals, and 96 percent in overnight stays, with a total of 104.8 million overnight stays, and foreign revenues are expected to amount to around 13 billion euros.

"The year 2022 was also a record year in terms of some of our biggest markets, such as Germany, Austria, Poland, the Czech Republic, Slovakia and the Netherlands, from which we achieved almost 800,000 more arrivals than in 2019.

This is also a great announcement for the year 2023, especially in the context of Croatia's entry into the Schengen area and the eurozone. Our focus in 2023 remains on quality, sustainability and innovation, so that the successes of tourism are long-term and additionally contribute to the overall economic and social development of Croatia", said Minister of Tourism and Sports Nikolina Brnjac.

Kristjan Staničić, director of the Croatian Tourist Board, reminded that this year the implementation of the new Strategic Marketing and Operational Plan of Croatian Tourism, a new umbrella communication concept and slogan, and a new marketing direction towards sustainable development are expected.

"In 2023, our goal is the complete recovery of tourism, the achievement of pre-pandemic tourism results at the level of the entire country, and an even stronger dispersion of tourist traffic in the pre- and post-season.

We will emphasize the promotion of the Croatian islands, the hidden pearls of the Croatian tourist offer in the interior of the country, the luxury offer, gastronomy, but also all those tourist products that generate tourist consumption throughout the year", said Staničić, adding that what lies ahead, considering inflation, rising energy prices and geopolitical tensions, is another very demanding and challenging tourist year.

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