
Inflation in Croatia: Prices in Shops Wild, Government Provides an "App"

Inflation in Croatia: Prices in Shops Wild, Government Provides an "App"

February 11, 2023 - Inflation in Croatia is becoming increasingly apparent, with the prices in shops reaching new highs almost weekly. So the Croatian government invented yet another app. The ministry of economy and sustainable development presented the "application," which is really a website where, as they announced, Croatian citizens will soon be able to follow in detail the movement of product prices in retail chains.

As Index writes, Minister Davor Filipović presented more details about the application itself, the effect of white lists, and the movement of energy prices in Nova TV's Dnevnik.

"The application has been fully developed and is now in the test phase. Today we showed it to trade unions and journalists, and I believe that in the coming days, it will be available to all our citizens, and it will help them make informed decisions about purchases, '', said Minister of Economy and Sustainable Development Davor Filipović.

Retail chains that did not provide data: "If you have nothing to hide, you will provide information"

"It is possible that because of this, because it would be clear how the prices moved, some of the retail chains did not want to provide their information," said the minister.

"If you have nothing to hide, you will provide all the information requested. We are not looking for this information for ourselves; we are requesting it for the sake of our citizens so that they can see how the prices moved and who has been fair to them, and then, of course, they could weigh it out when they go shopping'', the minister said.

Filipović pointed out that the goal was for citizens to see how prices in retail chains move transparently, and reiterated that they asked retailers to provide them with prices going back a year so that the Ministry could make a detailed analysis of what happened to prices, to which only three chains agreed - Konzum, Tommy, and KTC.

Filipović says that in the future, prices will be collected from the other chains via price listers in stores.

Fuel becoming cheaper

Regarding fuel price, Filipović said there is enough stock in Europe, announcing that next week, on Tuesday, there will be a significant reduction in the price of diesel by almost one kuna and a reduction in the price of petrol.

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