
Croatian Digital Transformation Council Formed, Plenkovic at Helm

By 27 February 2023

February the 27th, 2023 - The brand new Croatian Digital Transformation Council has been formed, as yet another new body to involve government ministers and be headed by PM Andrej Plenkovic.

As Poslovni Dnevnik writes, the Croatian Digital Transformation Council, newly formed to oversee and push the country's digital transformation, will be chaired by the Prime Minister, and will have more than forty members. The implementation of the country's digital transformation will be monitored by all government ministers, representatives of the academic community, IT associations, as well as various representatives of local and regional communities.

All of the aforementioned individuals will have the task of ensuring the implementation of the goals of the Digital Croatia Strategy, so that, as the explanation says, Croatia will successfully become a country with a well-developed digital economy in the coming period. On top of that, and what might come as quite the surprise for a country so masochistically fixated on lines, papers and stamps, the aims is for an entirely digital public administration in which people with developed digital competences will work via broadband electronic communication networks.

The explanation also noted that the term "Digital transformation" refers to the processes taking place across the Republic of Croatia in the field of the digital development of the domestic economy, public administration, the development of broadband Internet, the development of digital skills, and the forming of a digital society in accordance with the development goals of Croatia as a member state of the European Union (EU).

"The task of the Croatian Digital Transformation Council is to monitor the implementation of the set strategic goals and the effect of the implementation of digital transformation measures on the overall development of our society, as well as monitoring the measures and activities of digital policies at the European Union level.

The Croatian Digital Transformation Council will also propose measures and activities to achieve the strategic goals of Croatia's digital transformation, make recommendations for the harmonisation of digital policies and departmental priorities in the field of digitalisation, encourage interdepartmental cooperation and cooperation with local and regional self-government units in the implementation of all of the measures and activities, but also give recommendations of legal solutions for the implementation of the digital transformation", reads the decision on the establishment of the Croatian Digital Transformation Council.

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