
Gas Prices Going Down, Down, Down

By 28 August 2015

Ministry of Economy offers an application with exact prices accross the country

Gas prices continue to drop in Croatia and according to the new report from Ministry of Economy another significant price drop is expected next week. 

From Tuesday, September 1st, diesel will be approximately 30 lipa cheaper while prices of other petrol types are expected to drop by 45 lipa per litre, meaning that the prices have been dropping for 6 weeks in a row.

Ministry of Economy is also reminding all drivers that exact petrol prices can be found on their official portal and mobile application Portal recognises your exact geolocation and will give you exact prices, locations of nearest petrol stations and other service information. Portal and application are available in Croatian and  English.

Application is free, so if you want to stay updated and want to make sure you're paying the very pest price for your petrol, download it today.

