
Friday, 30 September 2022

Best Man to Best Croatian Chef in Vegas, Music by Elvis

September 30, 2022 - It has been quite a year for Mario Mandaric, who was named by his peers as the best Croatian chef, just a few months after getting married in Vegas, a wedding attended by a vey underdressed best man.  The only other time in my life that I have been a best man was the second wedding of my father, and that was pretty weird. And as I don't have many friends, and even less single ones who would consider me to be best man material, I thought my best man career was behind me.  But then…
Friday, 30 September 2022

Pula Tourism is Booming, But Decent Public Toilets are Lacking...

September the 30th, 2022 - Pula tourism has come on leaps and bounds over more recent years, with this year having been excellent for this beautiful Istrian city. Despite the increasing crowds of visitors from all over the world, there are no decent public toilets to speak of. As Morski writes, the City of Pula is reputed to be one of the ''most touristic'' and most visited cities in all of Istria, however, it still doesn't have a decent, properly run public toilet. Recently, the project of renovating the toilets on the city's main promenade was supposed to start, but…
Thursday, 29 September 2022

Cro Traditions: Crkveni God, aka Kirbaj, Kirvaj - Patron Saint Celebration

September 29, 2022 - The majority of Croatian people are Catholics. Naturally, their daily lives are influenced by their religion, and so are their traditions. Even though the numbers are changing, as well as the way religion is practiced, some traditions remain and are rarely ever questioned. In Slavonija, one of them is kirbaj, or kirvaj, officially known as Crkveni God. The colloquial expressions came from German "Kirchweih," the dedication of a church from 19th-century German tradition; the day is a celebration of the patron saint of the local church. Villages usually only have one church, but there could be…
Wednesday, 28 September 2022

Konzum Locking Prices of 100 Products Until End of 2022

September the 28th, 2022 - As of tomorrow, the large Croatian shopping chain, Konzum, is set to lock the prices of 100 of its products until the end of this year as inflation continues to bite. As Poslovni Dnevnik writes, as of Thursday, September the 29th, Konzum will lock the maximum prices of 100 of its products from the basic consumer basket in order to help its loyal customers in the challenging current situation in which the prices of almost all foodstuffs are continuously increasing. These 100 products come from a whole range of categories that aren't covered by the decision…
Wednesday, 28 September 2022

Fines For Failing to Separate Zagreb Waste as of 1 October Revealed

September the 28th, 2022 - The fine amounts for those who fail to separate their Zagreb waste as of the 1st of next month when the new system comes into force have now been revealed. As Poslovni Dnevnik writes, as of October the 1st this year, a new system for the separation and disposal of Zagreb waste will finally be launched, which is a new way of municipal waste collection service spanning the area of ​​the City of Zagreb. The move has been made because of two main things, namely that the city's problematic waste containers will finally be under the…
Wednesday, 28 September 2022

Rijeka Boat Show Begins This Friday With Record Number of Exhibitors

September the 28th, 2022 - The Rijeka Boat Show is set to begin this Friday with a record number of exhibitors set to be present, according to yesterday's press conference. As Morski writes, this year's Rijeka Boat Show was officially presented to the media yesterday, and over the three days of the fair, from September the 30th to October the 2nd, at the Karolina Rijeka Quay, about eighty exhibitors will present attractive brands from the nautical world, Croatian shipbuilding and a variety of related equipment to visitors. The media was first addressed by Jana Sertic, head of the Department for Entrepreneurship…
Tuesday, 27 September 2022

Virovitica-Podravina County Invests in Geothermal Power Plant

September 27, 2022 - The energy crisis is proving to be an excellent opportunity for some. In the Virovitica-Podravina County in the municipality of Čađavica, a significant investment in a geothermal power plant has been launched. As reported by SiB, the geothermal power plant should start operating in two years. Drilling is currently in process, where 3,200 meters have been reached. The main goal is to reach 5,000 meters, at which depth the water has a temperature of 150 degrees Celsius. RTL's Boris Mišević spoke about it with Igor Andrović, the prefect of the Virovitica-Podravina County. "I should congratulate the…
Tuesday, 27 September 2022

Alenka Jurasic: Dear Croatia: It is Not Me, It's You

September 27, 2022 - Not all Croatian returnee stories are happy ones. Alenka Jurasic with a very candid overview of making the switch from Toronto to Volosko.  Dear Croatia: It’s not me, it's you... After leaving my job of 20 years in the hospitality business in one of the best bars in Toronto, I made my way to Volosko, Opatija in June. Notice given and accepted, legendary goodbye party in the books, apartment sublet for 3-6 months, bags packed, triple vaccination certificate in hand, I made my way to my home for the summer, what I hoped would be my…
Tuesday, 27 September 2022

Zadar Archaeologists Discover 17,000 Year Old Horse Head

September the 27th, 2022 - Croatia, much like the rest of Europe, is brimming with history from times long since gone by, and every few weeks it seems there is a brand new, very impressive find buried literally under the ground and proverbially by the ages. Zadar archaeologists have now discovered a horse head that is likely to be around 17,000 years old. As Morski writes, traces of ancient times buried under the soil are frequently stumbled upon in Dalmatia, and Zadar aechaeologists are now on the threshold of an apparently very interesting discovery. On the official Facebook page of…
Monday, 26 September 2022

CRO Race, International Bicycle Race Kicking Off on Tuesday in Osijek

September 26, 2022 - The seventh edition of the international bicycle race CRO Race is taking place from September 27 to October 2 through six stages, on a route of more than 1,000 kilometres across Croatia. This year, too, the CRO Race will offer numerous thrills and attractions, and it will pass through some already known as well as some completely new destinations. As SiB reports, the race starts on Tuesday, September 27, from Osijek at 11:15 a.m., while the finish of the first stage is in Ludbreg. The cyclists are expected to arrive in Ludbreg between 4:42 p.m. and…
Monday, 26 September 2022

Wine Marathon in Zmajevac, Baranja Welcomes Over Ten Thousand Visitors

September 26, 2022 - Without a doubt, the biggest outdoor festival in Croatia last weekend was the two-day 17th Vinski Bor Wine Marathon in Zmajevac, for which more than two thousand "marathoners" signed up from Croatia, Hungary, Serbia, Germany... Dubravka Petric / PIXSELL As Glas Slavonije writes, the first day, according to the tried-and-tested recipe, was reserved for the "Premium Marathon", where visitors had the opportunity to taste the best of the best, top-quality wines from Baranja winemakers. The guests of the premium wine marathon were the singer Tijana Dapčević, who represented North Macedonia at the Eurovision Song Contest, the…
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