Made in Croatia

Thursday, 12 November 2020

Investments and Employment - Zagreb Company Infinum to Work with Porsche

November the 12th, 2020 - The Zagreb company Infinum is set to create for no less than the automotive giant Porsche, a move which will be accompanied by the opening up of new employment opportunities and an enormous investment. As Poslovni Dnevnik/Tanja Ivancic writes on the 11th of November, 2020, the Zagreb company Infinum has been operating within the IT sector for 15 years now, and its last venture, ie the launch of yet another new company, opened up yet more doors for them. ''My mum taught me how to drive when I was just 15. I always tell the…
Wednesday, 11 November 2020

Medikor: Croatian Protective Masks Being Made in 5 Factories

As Darko Bicak/Poslovni Dnevnik writes on the 10th of November, 2020, although there has been no serious production of protective masks and disinfectants in Croatia until this year, primarily because they are relatively simple and cheap low value-added products, the coronavirus pandemic and the subsequent disruption of logistics chains has seen the situation totally change and we're witnessing Croatian companies that have, to a greater or lesser extent, seriously entered this segment. One of them is Medikor, which is primarily a representative of numerous medical brands for the Croatian market, such as Omron and Beurer, and they also decided to…
Wednesday, 11 November 2020

Croatian Company Splendor Engages in Production of Protective Masks

As Vedran Marjanovic/Novac writes on the 10th of November, 2020, after attracting public attention a few months ago by announcing the production of four-layer masks with 99% antibacterial and antiviral protection, the Croatian company Splendor tekstil from Zagreb produced the first large quantities of masks for the market and contracted with Croatian wholesalers for their delivery to pharmacies. ''Distribution is just starting through wholesalers, legal entities can order these masks directly from us, and people can get them in all the best pharmacies across the country,'' says Splendor's Textile Development Manager, Suzana Percic, revealing that serial production of four-layer masks…
Tuesday, 10 November 2020

Croatian Speleologists Discover a Cave System Longer Than 52km Below Velebit

November 10, 2020 – The speleological department of the Croatian Mountaineering Association Željezničar from Zagreb reported that in speleological research of the Crnopac underground on the southern Velebit, the connection between the Crnopac cave system and the Muda Labudova Pit was found. With this discovery, the length of the Crnopac canal exceeded 52 kilometers and 236 meters. As the Croatian Mountaineering Association reported, until this weekend, the Crnopac cave system, located in the area of southern Velebit near Gračac, was 43 kilometers and 570 meters long. By merging with the Muda Labudova pit, it grew to 52 kilometers and 236…
Tuesday, 10 November 2020

Luxury Cabin for American Client Being Constructed in Split Shipyard

As Poslovni Dnevnik writes on the 9th of November, 2020, the luxury cabins of an impressive polar cruiser are being built in the Split shipyard for an American client. The cabins are truly luxurious and boast everything an American client might need and want. The cabin being worked on currently is a demonstration cabin located in the hangar in the aforementioned Split shipyard, Brodosplit. If the client is satisfied with what he sees and what is being offered, then it will be installed in the ship, HRT reports. ''The shipowner is the one who sets all of the requirements, we're…
Tuesday, 10 November 2020

Balkan Brilliance: How Zagreb Airport Fixed Its 'Toilet Disabled' Signage Problem

November 10, 2020 - Despite the 330 million euro investment in the new Zagreb Airport terminal, it seems there was only a tiny budget for translation - and for correcting the legendary 'Toilet Disabled' signs. It opened with great fanfare in the middle of June, 2017 - the pride of Croatia. Its capital FINALLY had a high quality, modern airport as an impressive entry point to Zagreb.  Everyone smiled, and everyone was happy, especially those involved in its construction. The cost of the new Split Airport terminal was approximately 60 million euro, slightly less than Zagreb's reported 330 million.  And…
Monday, 9 November 2020

Prostor Brewing: Croatian Craft Beer Scene Richer for Another Brand

As Poslovni Dnevnik/Lucija Spiljak writes on the 9th of November, 2020, Silvijo Regvar is the owner of the new, small Zagorje-based brewery in Desnic - Prostor Brewing, and he hopes to further enrich to growing Croatian craft beer scene in Zagorje and Zagreb. ''Despite the fact that I'm from Zagorje, I've always leaned more towards beer than I have to wine,'' said Silvijo Regvar, the owner of Prostor Brewing which recently presented its first Leisure beer in Gresna gorica. Apart from the fact that Zagorje, especially in the autumn time of picking and pressing, has always been on the Croatian…
Saturday, 7 November 2020

Croatian Robots: DOK-ING Opens Company in South Korea

As Novac/Bernard Ivezic writes on the 6th of November, 2020, the Zagreb-based company DOK-ING, a manufacturer of Croatian robots, is one of the world's ten largest manufacturers of demining robots. It has opened a company in South Korea and the new subsidiary, which will support and maintain Croatian robots for customers on the South Korean market, is part of this company's strategic plan to expand its operations across Asia this year and next year. DOK-ING plans to open a branch in China after South Korea, and dicsussions surrounding entering the Chinese market, as has since been learned, have progressed. Gordan Pesic,…
Friday, 6 November 2020

Marija Ruzicka Strozzi Park: Zagreb Savica Park Future Secured By Renaming

November 6, 2020 – With its renaming as Marija Ruzicka Strozzi Park, the much-loved area of neighbourhood greenery has secured its future. We look at the internationally-famous actress, Marija Ruzicka Strozzi, who lends the park her name The Zagreb neighbourhood of Trnjanska Savica is not without greenery. Sitting next to Novi Zagreb, it shares some of the same functional, socialist architecture and town planning. Thus, the larger apartment buildings in its east all lie on pretty, tree-lined avenues, as do the smaller residential properties in its west. More commonly referred to as simply Savica, the hood's southerly border is the…
Friday, 6 November 2020

Dorsi: Zagreb Company Designs Protection for Protective Masks

As Poslovni Dnevnik/Darko Bicak writes on the 5th of November, 2020, there is almost no company in Croatia, and certainly in the world, which hasn't been affected by the coronavirus crisis, and mostly negatively. Dorsi, a Zagreb company, has gone as far as to make sure that your protection - is protected. From the first days of the pandemic and all of its many social and economic consequences, entrepreneurs have had to quickly adapt to the new circumstances or fail, either by strengthening their online presence and delivery methods, or by updating their range with what are now sought-after items.…
Monday, 2 November 2020

Four Croatian Companies Create "Coronavirus Stopping System"

November the 2nd, 2020 - Four Croatian companies have designed a system that ''stops coronavirus'' right at the entrance of wherever it is placed. From schools to dental clinics and many other facilities, this device is working to slow the spread of the new coronavirus. As Jutarnji list/Matija Boltizar writes, at the very entrance to the Zagreb Dental Clinic lies a very special device. It measures the temperature of patients entering the building, checks whether they are wearing a mask and disinfects their hands and shoes, all without the assistance of any of the employees of the polyclinic. The same…
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