
Thursday, 10 November 2022

How Many Fines Have Been Issued for Incorrect Zagreb Waste Disposal?

November the 10th, 2022 - The rather unpopular (initially, anyway) new rules surrounding Zagreb waste disposal came into force on October the 1st. Just how many fines and warnings have been dished out to people failing to respect the new rules here in the capital? As Poslovni Dnevnik writes, as of December the 1st this year, there will be no more ''blue and yellow bag'' weeks, and plastic (yellow) removal will increase to once a week, announced the head of Cistoca, Davor Vic. By the end of next year, the new Zagreb waste disposal system should be fully operational across…
Thursday, 10 November 2022

Americans Investing in Brand New Zabok Medical Centre

November the 10th, 2022 - Americans are investing a huge sum of money in a brand new Zabok medical centre, but just how much of a role with the Croatian Health Insurance Fund (HZZO) play in it all? As Poslovni Dnevnik/Marija Crnjak writes, although many details about the establishment of the new Zabok medical centre, which will be a centre for the treatment of malignant diseases, have yet to be defined, the University of Pittsburgh Medical Centre's (UPMC) investment of about 15 million euros in Hrvatsko Zagorje is the first investment of this magnitude by foreign investors in Croatian healthcare.…
Wednesday, 9 November 2022

Report of Sexual Assault as US Navy Carrier Departs Split

November 9, 2022 - As the USS George H.W. Bush carrier departs Split, the news of a sexual assault on Croatian soil emerges. Last weekend, while the carrier was staying in the port of Split, it is reported that a group of officers rented a house with a swimming pool and sauna in the Marina area near Trogir. As Slobodna Dalmacija writes, the young sailors were having fun, and upon returning to the carrier, one of the female 20-year-old sailors reported to her superior officer that she had been raped at that party. Slobodna Dalmacija learned that, according to the…
Wednesday, 9 November 2022

Olive Harvest 2022 Underway on Korčula Island

November 9, 2022 - Following the old adage "All Saints - ladder on the olive tree", the olive harvest 2022 has started on the island of Korčula.  Dora Lozica writes for Slobodna Dalmacija about what the olive oil producers of the island have to say about this year's results of their efforts. The dry year brought a somewhat weaker crop, however, the amount of oil in the olives is slightly larger than usual as well. The early stages of the year were promising this year, the flowering was excellent, but the extremely warm and dry weather of the summer and…
Wednesday, 9 November 2022

Discover the Croatian Danube: House of Magnificent Milutin Milankovic

November 9, 2022 – As part of our Croatian Danube series, TCN has visited Dalj, and we can say that we have been to what must be the most important house in the village. One that many people had no idea stood there for over 150 years now. Even though NASA named Milutin Milankovic one of the 15 greatest scientists of all time, he might be one of the most underrepresented and underrated in Croatia. Milutin Milankovic, the astronomer, geophysicist, climatologist, mathematician, inventor, engineer, Doctor of Technology, university professor, and writer, was born in Dalj in 1879, in what was the Austro-Hungarian…
Wednesday, 9 November 2022

How to Croatia - Getting an OIB and Opening a Bank Account

November the 9th, 2022 - In our latest edition to our How to Croatia series, we look into how to get a personal identification number (OIB) and open a Croatian bank account as a resident. It appears that wherever we may roam on this tiny blue dot taking trips around the sun, we end up ‘roaming’ into a taxman. Croatian taxes are the bane of society for a multitude of reasons, but I won’t get into that now. Once you’ve got your residence permit, you’ll need what’s known as an OIB to be able to work, open a bank account,…
Wednesday, 9 November 2022

Zlatko Dalić Announces Final 2022 World Cup Croatia Squad

November 9, 2022 - The final 2022 World Cup Croatia squad was announced today.  Croatia national team coach Zlatko Dalić announced the final 2022 World Cup Croatia squad two weeks before Croatia's first match in Qatar. The final list of 26 players was announced at a press conference in Zagreb.  Recall Hajduk goalkeeper Lovre Kalinić was not included in the wider list due to injury. Goalkeepers Kotarski and Labrović, defenders Ćaleta-Car and Pongračić, midfielders Mišić and Ivanušec, and forwards Čolak and Brekalo were dropped from the final list and are not going to Qatar from the wider list.  National teams can…
Tuesday, 8 November 2022

Programme Published for Vukovar Remembrance Days 11-20 November

November 8, 2022 – The city of Vukovar has published the full programme for this year’s Remembrance Day. The full schedule will stretch over ten days, from Friday, the 11th November, to Sunday, the 20th. The scope of the programme is broad, with institutions such as the county hospital, the city library, its museums, veteran associations, and more all taking part. On top of the events happening in Vukovar, the official programme includes other Croatian cities where candles will be lit on the evening of the 18th of November. Grad Vukovar The first of the events included in the programme will…
Tuesday, 8 November 2022

Zadar Agency Telum Rethinking Personal Data Protection With New Tool

November the 8th, 2022 - The Zadar agency Telum has created a new and innovative tool which will help us rethink our personal data protection as things are set to change significantly with third party cookies. As Poslovni Dnevnik/Josipa Ban writes, privacy protection, which is most obviously reflected in the abolition or blocking of third-party cookies, has caused tectonic changes in digital advertising, and as such in ever-present digital media. Huge changes are happening in this field because over more recent years, digital advertising has become "dependent" on third-party cookies. How could it not rely on it, when you take…
Tuesday, 8 November 2022

Following Government Session, New Croatian Fuel Prices As Of Today

November the 8th, 2022 - Croatian fuel prices have been altered following a recent government session and the new prices for all types of fuel are actual as of today. We'll provide a list below of what they are and what they would have been without intervention. As Poslovni Dnevnik writes, following yesterday's session, the Croatian Government adopted the decree on establishing the highest retail prices of oil derivatives. According to the regulation, the highest prices are determined by a formula with a fourteen-day calculation period implied. Margins in the aforementioned regulation are limited to 0.65/l kuna for petrol (gasoline)…
Tuesday, 8 November 2022

Interliber 2022's Profits Important as Inflation Drives Cost Up

November the 8th, 2022 - Interliber 2022 is hoping to realise a certain level of profit, putting more emphasis on it than ever before as spiralling inflation continues to force the cost of just about everything up. As Poslovni Dnevnik/Josipa Ban writes, publishers have high expectations from Interliber 2022 in Zagreb, famous for being the largest book fair in the country. They have calculated that they will finally get closer to their pre-pandemic figures and one of the best years of the fair which took place back in 2019, when almost 150,000 people visited Interliber. Interliber 2022 is the first…
