
Sunday, 26 February 2023

Who Will and Who Won't Need an ETIAS to Enter Croatia in 2024?

February the 26th, 2023 - The plan for next year is to finally bring in the much talked about ETIAS. The ETIAS is not a visa but a travel authorisation which should take a mere few minutes. Who will need an ETIAS to enter Croatia? First things first, let's have a look at some ETIAS facts An ETIAS is not a visa but a travel authorisation, and it is currently not in operation, so applications cannot yet be made. The plan is for it to become operational in 2024. ETIAS approval is not the same as having a residence permit…
Sunday, 26 February 2023

25 Reasons You Should NEVER Visit Croatia

February 26, 2023 - It is 8 years since I wrote my most popular article ever about Croatia - now meet the story behind it and the video version of 25 Reasons You Should Never Visit Croatia. It was one of the quickest articles I have ever written. Less than 25 minutes from start to finish.  And - full disclosure - beer was involved.  A client had asked me to write an article called 25 Reasons NEVER to Visit Croatia, a provocative title, with the clickbaity twist giving 25 reasons why Croatia was in fact an amazing place to visit.…
Sunday, 26 February 2023

Jutarnji List: Special Op to Send 14 Croatian Helicopters to Ukraine Begins

February 26, 2023 - An exclusive from Jutarnji List (translation below) on the start of an operation to send Croatian helicopters to Ukraine. According to our information, the aircraft will be ready for transport in approximately 10 days Croatia has started the operation of sending 14 transport helicopters to Ukraine. Twelve MI 8 MTV-1 helicopters and two MI 8 T helicopters have been separated from the Armed Forces, and preparations for their transport have begun, Jutarnji list has learned. According to available information, several helicopters are currently located in the premises of the Aviation Technical Center in Velika Gorica, where…
Sunday, 26 February 2023

Traffic Chaos: All Roads Closed Between Dalmatia and Interior

February 26, 2023 - From 14:30 onwards, due to meteorological conditions, there is no free road direction for any group of vehicles from the direction of Dalmatia towards the interior and vice versa, reports HAK/ Winter road maintenance is in progress, so there are frequent delays behind winter service vehicles, which move more slowly. There are winter conditions on most of the roads in Lika and Gorski Kotar, including the A1 motorway between the junctions Gospić and Maslenica (Rovanjska), the A6 Rijeka-Zagreb between the junctions Kikovica and Bosiljevo II and the state road DC3 Karlovac-Vrbovsko-Delnice-Kikovica (the old road through Gorski…
Sunday, 26 February 2023

How Many Russians and Ukrainians are Living in Croatia?

February 26, 2023 - It is just over a year since carnage was unleashed in Ukraine, leading to millions of Ukrainians forced to flee the country.  How many ended up in Croatia? It has been 12 months of heartwarming stories of Croatians opening their arms to help those fleeing the war in Ukraine. Memories of their own Homeland War less than 30 years ago are very fresh in the memory, and the overall Croatian response has been outstanding.  The influx of Ukrainians into Croatian society is plain to see, from the school and kindergartens to the labour market. But just…
Sunday, 26 February 2023

Looking for a Job in Croatia? This Week's Top 10 from (February 26, 2023)

February 26, 2023 - Looking for a job in Croatia? A new weekly feature on TCN, in partnership with leading job site agency,, who present a selection of weekly job listings. How hard is it to find a job in Croatia, and what is on offer? We spoke to Ines Bokan, director of leading jobs site, who kindly took the time for this excellent interview overview.   This week's top 10 jobs from PLIVA Hrvatska d.o.o. is hiring a person in the position Specialist for digital projects (m/f). Place of work Zagreb. Strong communication skills and the ability…
Sunday, 26 February 2023

Exploring the Land of Dalmatians by Albert Anthony

February 26, 2023 - A new book exploring the land of Dalmatians by Albert Anthony.  Many people are already familiar with the popular breed of dogs known as Dalmatians, but did you know where they originate from?  One young American business author went on a journey to discover the land of the Dalmatians, and at the same time discover his own distant family lineage. The business author, who writes on Amazon under pen name Albert Anthony, traces his ancestral roots to this region, and recently went on a journey to learn more about the area, using newly digitized birth & death records to…
Saturday, 25 February 2023

Weather in Croatia: Beast From the East Bringing Sudden Temperature Drop

February 25, 2023 - The rapid change in the weather in Croatia is a consequence of the arrival of cold, unstable air from the north, pulled by an anticyclone stationed over Great Britain and a low-pressure cyclone developing over the Mediterranean Sea over the European mainland. Above the region is a boundary between cold air from the north and warm air from the south, rapidly moving in the form of a cold front from the northwest to the southeast. As Poslovni / N1 report, with the passage of the cold front, cloudy, windy weather with rain, showers, and thunder is…
Saturday, 25 February 2023

Ancient Salona Research: Sensational New Archaeological Discoveries

February 25, 2023 - The latest discoveries in Salona, an ancient city near Split, show that the site is almost a third larger than previously known and confirm that ancient Salona was a large city in an extremely important strategic position of the Roman Empire. The value of these discoveries is sensational, according to the conservators. "These discoveries and their presentation will soon become a great archaeological sensation like the world-famous Aquileia and Pompeii and will have a significant share in the economic development of the city of Solin," Radoslav Buzancic, head of the Conservation Department in Split, said for…
Saturday, 25 February 2023

Dubrovnik Traffic to be Restricted in the Old Town Area

February 25, 2023 - With the city being one of the main tourist hubs of Croatia, it is to be expected that Dubrovnik traffic might need some adjustment, especially around the old town area. As Index writes, mayor Mato Frankovic presented a draft decision on traffic restrictions in the contact zone of Duborvnik's old town to reduce traffic jams in the heart of Dubrovnik and the negative impact on the monumental heritage. Frankovic emphasized that the draft is based on UNESCO guidelines and the Management Plan for the old town. "Given that Dubrovnik is the first to issue such a…
Friday, 24 February 2023

A Week in Croatian Politics - Croatian-Ukrainian Solidarity, Sundays and Eggs

February the 24th, 2023 - This week in Croatian politics, we've seen the marking of one year since Russia invaded Ukraine, messages of solidarity with the Ukrainian people, a deeper look into what makes Plenkovic tick, discussions around working Sundays... Oh, and some eggs. An anti-war protest is held in Zagreb as the one year anniversary since Russia's horrific invasion of Ukraine is marked An anti-war protest has been being held today here in the heart of Zagreb on the occasion of the anniversary of the shocking Russian invasion of Ukraine. ''Expressing solidarity with the victims of Russian aggression in…
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