
Wednesday, 20 April 2022

First Phase of Healthcare Reform Under Way, Health Minister Says

ZAGREB, 20 April 2022 - Health Minister Vili Beroš said on Wednesday that the first phase of the healthcare reform was under way and that the reform would provide for a new way of paying for healthcare by taking into account service quality. The proposal to amend the Healthcare Act and the Mandatory Health Insurance Act will be finished by June and put to public consultation, Beroš said in Parliament in response to Social Democratic Party (SDP) MP Andreja Marić who warned about a number of unresolved issues faced by the healthcare system. The second phase will include the amendment…
Wednesday, 20 April 2022

Croatia Among EU Countries with Highest Industrial Output Growth in February

ZAGREB, 20 April 2022 - The European Union's industrial production recovered in February, fuelled by production of durable consumer goods, and Croatia was among the member states with the largest increases in output, according to Eurostat data released on Wednesday. In the European Union, the seasonally adjusted industrial production rose by 0.6% in February compared with January, when it declined by 0.3%. In the euro area, industrial production increased by 0.7% compared with the previous month when it fell by 0.7%. Monthly comparison Production of durable consumer goods increased the most, by 2.4% in the EU and by 2.7% in…
Wednesday, 20 April 2022

SDP Chief, PM Trade Accusations Over Perković and Mustač, Allowances

ZAGREB, 20 April 2022 - The request for a pardon for two Yugoslav-era secret service officials came at an opportune time for Prime Minister Andrej Plenković so that he would not have to deal with real problems in the country, Social Democratic Party (SDP) leader Peđa Grbin said in Parliament on Wednesday. "This whole story with Josip Perković and Zdravko Mustač comes as if on order for the prime minister, or was possibly even ordered by him, so that he would not have to deal with real problems in the country," Grbin said during Question Time, asking the prime minister…
Wednesday, 20 April 2022

Over 460 Flights to Croatia This Summer, Tourist Board Says

ZAGREB, 20 April 2022 - There will be over 460 flights to Croatia during the summer schedule, the National Tourist Board (HTZ) said on Wednesday. Zagreb and Split expect the highest number of rotations, about 10,000, while Zadar and Rijeka expect the highest increase in rotations in comparison with 2019, by 63% and 8% respectively. During the summer, Croatia will be connected with 131 cities abroad, down from 134 in 2019. The highest number of rotations is expected with Germany, Great Britain, France, Italy, and the Netherlands. During the summer, 66 airlines will operate between Croatia and foreign destinations. Ryanair, Croatia Airlines, easyJet,…
Wednesday, 20 April 2022

PM: There'll be no Early Election

ZAGREB, 20 April 2022 - There will be no early election, Prime Minister Andrej Plenković said during Question Time in Parliament on Wednesday after MP Sandra Benčić (We Can!) said that the government should go because of a string of scandals implicating cabinet ministers and the failure of the post-earthquake reconstruction process. "We have dealt with all the challenges, and what have you do done in Zagreb about securing funds for the reconstruction?" Plenković said in his response to Benčić, whose party is in power in the capital. Benčić then congratulated Plenković on yet another issue meant to shift the…
Wednesday, 20 April 2022

Average Net Pay for February €994

ZAGREB, 20 April 2022 - The average net monthly wage for February 2022 amounted to HRK 7,452, up by 5.9% on the year in nominal terms, but down by 0.4% in real terms, the Croatian Bureau of Statistics said on Wednesday. Month on month, the average net wage was up by 1% in nominal terms and by 0.1% in real terms. The median net wage for February was HRK 6,151. The highest average net wage was paid in the manufacture of basic pharmaceutical products and pharmaceutical preparations, amounting to HRK 16,787, while the lowest was in security and investigation activities at HRK 4,758. The average gross wage was…
Wednesday, 20 April 2022

Paladina Appointed Minister to Step Up Reconstruction, Plenković Says

ZAGREB, 20 April 2022 - Prime Minister Andrej Plenković said on Wednesday that Construction, Physical Planning and State Assets Minister Ivan Paladina was brought into the government to step up post-earthquake reconstruction and that it was up to him to explain everything concerning his assets. "He was brought in to step up the reconstruction process, including public infrastructure, private houses and buildings in both Zagreb and the Banovina region. That's his job," Plenković said in parliament during Question Time. He was responding to Ivana Posavec Krivec of the Social Democrats, who asked why Paladina assumed the full responsibility of a minister…
Wednesday, 20 April 2022

Two Palaces Complex in Zadar Officially Open to Public

April 21, 2022  - On Wednesday, April 20th, the Two Palaces complex in Zadar was officially inaugurated in the presence of the Ministries of Culture and the Regional Development and EU Funds. A new home for Croatian culture and Modern art has settled in the centre of Zadar. Citizens and tourists of Zadar will finally get into the heart of the old town, a new space intended not only for culture but also for exciting events. The Zadar City Library is returning to the city’s heart, and the Zadar Concert Office and the Zadar National Museum will find their place in…
Wednesday, 20 April 2022

The Story Continues: Zagreb Digital Nomad Week 2022 Announced

MAY 20 UPDATE - Zagreb Digital Nomad Week has been postponed until Autumn 2022 - More details and finalised dates coming shortly.  April 20, 2022 - As Croatia continues to develop its digital nomad story, the return of Zagreb Digital Nomad Week is announced.  It has been quite a journey.  Two years ago, few people in Croatia had heard about digital nomads, and perhaps even less nomads considered Croatia as a nomad destination.  Croatia's early adoption of a digital nomad visa/permit and the associated global media interest at the height of the pandemic changed all that, and suddenly Croatia became…
Wednesday, 20 April 2022

HAZU Announces Winners of Prestige Sciences and Arts Awards

April 20, 2022 – The Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts (HAZU) has announced its prestige award winners for 2021, based on a decision from 30 March. The awards will traditionally be presented on HAZU Day, on 29 April. 24Sata recaps the winners. For the field of social sciences, the award goes to Dr. sc. Katarina Horvat for the book "Household servants in Zagreb 1880-1914". (Srednja Europa d.o.o., Zagreb, 2021). Prof. dr. sc. Marcela Hanzer has won the Mathematical, Physical, and Chemical Sciences Award for outstanding recent scientific contributions in the theory of representations of classic P-adic groups and the…
Wednesday, 20 April 2022

Construcion of New Connecting Road in Nova Mokošica Enters Last Phase

April 20, 2022 - The City of Dubrovnik announced that the new connecting road Tamarić in Nova Mokošica is in its final phase of construction. The new connecting road will relieve traffic in the area and benefit parents who take their children to Mokosica Primary School. The project of construction of the connecting road Tamarić in Nova Mokošica entered the last phase before the announcement of the public procurement for construction, reports the City of Dubrovnik. At the moment, the final expropriation procedure is being carried out, and for which purpose the City of Dubrovnik has so far paid HRK 2,865,812.50…
