
Split City Council Adopts Budget for Next Year

By 9 November 2015

A year of fiscal planning in the Dalmatian capital is completed.

In the shadow of the circus that Split city councilors have once again presented during the session of the City Council, the ruling coalition managed to adopt a budget for the next year. The most important city document was adopted for the first time without the presence of opposition councilors and without a long debate. According to data which was presented at the meeting, the city treasury will next year be richer by some 140 million kuna compared to 2015, reports Slobodna Dalmacija on November 9, 2015.

The budget should next year reach 919.8 million kuna, or 5,163 kuna per citizen. The increase should be mostly felt in funds appropriated for investments, which have been increased from this year's 84.2 million kuna to 143.7 million kuna. Several major projects and investments in municipal infrastructure are planned, including the continued investments in the urban waste disposal site Karepovac (47.1 million kuna), the construction of roads in Kili near the new POS buildings (18.5 million kuna), and the construction of three new garages on Mertojak, Visoka and Sućidar (18.1 million kuna).

The city authorities have also announced they the renovation project of the Theatre Square will begin, with 4 million kuna being allocated in the budget for that project. They have also announced the final completion of the promenade from the west waterfront to Matejuška worth 3.5 million kuna.

Unlike last year, City Office for Culture with have more money at its disposal: this year it had 83.7 million kuna, while next year it will have exactly 100 million kuna. Office for Sport's budget has also been increased from 52.1 to 58.3 million kuna, while the Office for Veterans will have 6.2 million kuna, compared to this year's 4 million kuna.

More than a quarter of the budget, 219,300,000 kuna, will be used for salaries of 2,000 employees of various city institutions (officials in the city administration, employees in public institutions, employees in kindergartens and firefighters), while the largest revenue is expected from the income and assets taxes (395 million kuna), utility charges (115 million kuna), and municipal contributions (50 million kuna).

Tagged under: split
