
European Commission Denounced Slovenian Demands, Istrian Winemakers May Use the Name Terrano

By 25 February 2017

Slovenia can still theoretically halt the act with a qualified majority or majority of votes in the European Parliament – which is unlikely

The European Commission is due to publish on Monday an ordinance allowing Croatian winemakers the use of the name Terrano form Istria, Index.hr cited Slovenian media. This means the EC has denounced Slovenian demands to protect Terrano as a Slovenian variety. Slovenian Agriculture Minister Dejan Židan said two days ago “the procedure of the delegated act must be stopped, allowing Croatian winemakers to use the name Terrano.” Židan sent a letter with this demand at the beginning of the week to Deputy EC President Frans Timmermans.

After the EC proposed a compromise, introducing changes to Croatian labels on wine (large letters Croatian Istria, small letters Terrano), to which the Croatian side agreed, Slovenia demand to review the communication between the Croatian government and EC due to doubts that the EC decision comes after unfair lobbying from Croatia. Minister Židan threatened Slovenia would, if its demands are not accepted, sue the EC to the EU Court in Luxembourg. Slovenian government representatives and Slovenian Terrano producers are due to meet this week in Brussels with European Agriculture Commissioner Phil Hogan.

Slovenia can still theoretically halt the act with a qualified majority or majority of votes in the European Parliament – which is unlikely. Croatian winemakers are not overjoyed with the solution, but consider it much better than the senseless Slovenian idea to protect the name of the variety.

For the original and more from Plava Kamenica, click here.
