
Former Prime Minister Milanović Reprimanded for Conflict of Interest

By 23 March 2017

Zoran Milanović was simultaneously a member of Parliament and a company director.

The Commission for Conflict of Interest Prevention issued an official reprimand to former Prime Minister Zoran Milanović, because he was simultaneously a member of Parliament and director of AuroAlba Advisory company. In other two cases for which Milanović was reported, the Commission decided not to initiate proceedings, reports Večernji List on March 23, 2017.

Milanović has been reprimanded due to a formal omission and a violation of administrative ban, because he was at the same time was an MP and director of a company, which is not allowed. However, given that such situation lasted for just 15 days, the Commission decided to issue the mildest possible punishment.

At the same session, the Commission decided not to initiate proceedings against Milanović in two other cases. He was reported for taking a paid trip in October last year to Albania, where he was reportedly looking for a consultancy job. The Commission determined that Milanović did not travel as a member of Parliament but as then president of SDP, and political parties are not within the Commission’s portfolio.

Proceedings will also not be launched against Milanović in a case in which he was reported for four possible conflicts of interest, including a loan allegedly received under preferential terms and for the sale of Croatia Osiguranje public company.

Regarding the case of former Minister of Labour and Pension System Mirando Mrsić, who was reported for the debt of his wife’s former company to the Croatian Institute for Health Insurance, the Commission has not initiated proceedings because it determined that the official did not put the company in a privileged position.

The Commission has not initiated proceedings against current Culture Minister Nina Obuljen Koržinek who was reported for allegedly giving money to a media outlet which allegedly did not publish negative stories about her for that reason. The Commission determined that the Ministry did not sign any new contracts with the media outlet.

Culture Minister was also reported for possible conflict of interest because her husband is an employee of the Ministry. The Commission found that the Minister is not direct supervisor to her husband and that he was employed in the ministry before she became the minister.

The Committee decided against initiating proceedings against MP Peđa Grbin (SDP) who was reported that he was simultaneously director of a company and an MP. In this case, the Commission found that the company never opened a bank account nor did any business, so he was not in a position to manage anything.

The Commission fined with 4,000 kuna the mayor of Slavonski Brod Mirko Duspara for accepting fees in addition to his salary, while the deputy municipal mayor of Punat Goran Bonifačić ​​was fined with 6,000 kuna because he had not reported the acquisition of a new property and because he simultaneously run his own business.
