
Prime Minister Plenković on Future of Bosnia and Herzegovina

By 4 April 2017

Croatian Prime Minister discusses regional issues.

Croatian Prime Minister Andrej Plenković said on Monday evening in Mostar in Bosnia and Herzegovina that Croatia believes that the three peoples in Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH) should at the very least come to an agreement on amendments to the electoral law in BiH, which would enable Croats to elect their legitimate representatives in the government, which has not been the case so far. Bosniak member of the BiH presidency Bakir Izetbegović said that the Bosniak precondition was that all talk about creation of new entities in the country should cease, reports Večernji List on April 4, 2017.

“If the intention of the Dayton Peace Agreement was to have one country, two entities and three equal peoples, then the intention was that the three members of the BiH presidency should be elected by each of the three constituent peoples. It is very important that the methodology which is used to elect the presidency members is such as to guarantee the election of legitimate representatives. In my opinion, that is the minimum which is essential for the equality of Croats in BiH,” said Plenković.

He spoke with reporters after an informal dinner with the three members of the BiH presidency, Serbian Prime Minister Aleksandar Vučić, and Montenegrin President Filip Vujanović.

Plenković fully supported the positions of Croatian parties in BiH with regards to changes to the electoral legislation. “From my perspective, the initiative is rational, normal and necessary. Therefore, the timely adoption of these necessary changes would ensure smooth functioning of institutions,” added Plenković and pointed out that Croatia was the greatest advocate and supporter of the European path for Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Izetbegović said that he was “ready to make concessions” on behalf of the Bosniak side and that he believed in the possibility of agreement. “As for the Bosniak side, it is expected from us to help Croats have authentic representatives in the presidency and parliament. I have said which are my preconditions – no new ethnically based entities and no talk about the division of Bosnia and Herzegovina, no referendums. If all three of us are ready for this steps, then we can start. And I think we are, I think there is the willingness,” said Izetbegović.

His Croatian counterpart Dragan Čović said that Croats can in no way make a compromise with regards to choosing their representatives in the Bosnian institutions. “That is the problem. There are still people who believe that they can choose on behalf of others. I assure you it cannot happen. We must understand that Bosnia and Herzegovina will not survive as a normal European country, and that is its only future, without Croats as an equal constituent people,” said Čović.

Talking about possible meeting with Serbian Prime Minister and incoming President Aleksandar Vučić, Plenković said that there had been no bilateral meeting with him in Mostar, but just an informal dinner attended by officials from several countries in the region.

Earlier in the day, Vučić said that he spoke with Croatian member of Bosnian presidency Dragan Čović about how to improve cooperation, noting that “it means a better life for all our peoples, not to anyone’s detriment.” “I think that the future is in development, and that is the only possible solution. I want to believe that all normal people want a better life and I am willing to invest in it all my energies,” said the Serbian Prime Minister.

On Tuesday morning, senior officials from Croatia, BiH, Serbia and Montenegro will participate in the opening ceremony of the Business Fair in Mostar.
