
Croatian Leadership Condemns Terrorist Attack in Stockholm

By 8 April 2017

Four people died in the latest terrorist attack in Europe.

Croatian leadership sent messages of condolences to Sweden and expressed its condemnation after a terrorist attack claimed the lives of four people in Stockholm. Fourt people were killed and several more were wounded when a truck crashed into a department store in the centre of the Swedish capital, reports N1 on April 8, 2017.

On behalf of Croatian citizens, President Kolinda Grabar-Kitarović sent a message of condolences to Swedish King Carl XVI Gustaf on the occasion of the terrorist attack in Stockholm.

“I was deeply shocked to learn of the brutal terrorist attack that took place in Stockholm and the tragic loss of innocent lives. Please accept, on behalf of Croatian citizens and my own behalf, my expression of deep and sincere condolences,” reads the message of President Grabar-Kitarović.

“We feel a deep solidarity with the Swedish people who are facing the threat of terrorism. In these difficult times, we express sincere condolences to the victims' families and to all the citizens of your country and wish a quick recovery for the injured. We remain determined and united in the common fight against terrorism,” she added in the message.

Just two weeks ago, President Kolinda Grabar-Kitarović was in a state visit to Sweden, when she met with the King and other high-ranking Swedish officials.

Condolences to the Swedish government were also expressed by Croatian Prime Minister Andrej Plenković, who sent a message to Swedish Prime Minister Stefan Lofven.

“Dear Prime Minister, I received the news of the attack in the centre of Stockholm with great sadness. Unfortunately, the attack has claimed human lives. In these sad and difficult moments for the Swedish people, please accept the deepest condolences and sincere sympathy on behalf of the government of Croatia and myself. Our thoughts and prayers are with you, the Swedish people and families of victims,” wrote the Croatian Prime Minister in the message of condolence.

The driver of the hijacked beer delivery truck that careered into crowds on Stockholm’s largest shopping street, killing four and injuring many more, is believed to have been arrested on suspicion of a terrorist crime. Police in Sweden’s capital confirmed that a man had been arrested “on suspicion of a terrorist crime through murder” after the attack on Friday afternoon. A communications director at the Swedish prosecution authority said early on Saturday that police suspected the arrested man had carried out the attack.
