
MOST Accuses HDZ of Trying to Buy Off an MP

By 30 April 2017

MP Hrvoje Runtić claims that HDZ offered him benefits in exchange for his vote.

On Sunday, Parliament Speaker and President of MOST Božo Petrov accused HDZ of trying to “buy” their MP Hrvoje Runtić with the promise to unfreeze his bank account and return a foreclosed home to him if he votes in favour of Finance Minister Zdravko Marić, reports N1 on April 30, 2017.

“They have contacted our MP Hrvoje Runtić, promising him everything, including that his bank account would be unfrozen, that he would not have any debts, that his foreclosed house would be returned. They also said they would include whatever provisions he wanted in the Enforcement Act, if only he were to vote for Marić, and later for Andrej Plenković’s government,” Petrov said.

He added that HDZ did not have a parliamentary majority and that Prime Minister Andrej Plenković must say whether “he lied when he said that everything was all right, that there was no government crisis, and that there would be no elections.” “He must demonstrate whether or not there are 76 MPs which support this government in Parliament. They need to find 76 MPs for the government. The first real test will be seen at a time when the motion of no confidence against Finance Minister Zdravko Marić is voted on.” Petrov said.

Runtić himself later gave a statement confirming Petrov’s claims. “They talked with a member of my family. One of their agents called, a long-time member of HDZ, who has been friend of my family member for the last 25 years. This happened yesterday evening in a cafe in Vinkovci. I reported everything to the police. I did it immediately yesterday, as soon as the family member told me. HDZ will now launch its heavy artillery against me. I will not sign anything, I will not sign any offers and they should leave my family alone.” Runtić said.

Drago Veselčić, the HDZ member who allegedly tried to influence Runtić, later issued a statement. “Davor Runtić, father of Hrvoje Runtić, and I are long-time friends. We communicate regularly and we agreed to meet, without any influence or impulse from anyone, on Saturday afternoon in Vinkovci. We were in the company of our wives. During the two-hour meeting, we devoted just a minute or two to Davor's son Hrvoje, discussing the issue of whether he would or should give his support to the government. And that was absolutely everything from our conversation which was in any way connected to the current political situation. Therefore, I was appalled by today's accusations made by Hrvoje Runtić and Božo Petrov about the alleged ‘bribery attempt’. Such accusations are not only false, but also comical. Do you believe anyone would do something like that in front of witnesses and in a crowded restaurant?”

HDZ issued a statement denying the allegations. “After insulting and defaming a number of our officials, and in the absence of any arguments or evidence, today's accusations against HDZ are just a continuation of the dirty campaign led by MOST. HDZ strongly condemns such manipulations,” the statement reads.
