
After Austrian Rejection, Refugees Find a Future in Croatia

There is hope yet for refugees seeking safety and security in Croatia, reports UNHCR on May 27, 2017

The life of a refugee is usually one filled with uncertainty, fear, loss, rejection and trepidation as to what the future brings. In the past year and a half since the Middle-East refugee crisis spilled into Europe, we have been witnesses to many stories of closed borders, wretched conditions in refugee camps, push-backs, mass drowning, hate-motivated attacks and other negative headlines.

However, there is another side to the story, one of hope, safety, security and prosperity. Two such stories are Wissam’s and Ali’s. They first sought asylum in Austria after passing through the Balkan route in 2015. However, they was rejected and returned to Croatia under the Dublin Regulation. They was eventually granted asylum and Wissam was able to bring his wife and his two young sons from Iraq to Croatia under the family reunification scheme. Ali is currently in search of job so he could contribute to his family’s travel expenses and do the same.

Despite fear and desperation they felt in Austria, they are both now hopeful and happy in Croatia. These and other such stories are a sign that the Croatian system can indeed come to the assistance of refugees.
For a full account of their story, click here.
