
Schoolkids Taught Ivo Sanader ''Fought Against Corruption''

With Croatian education and reforms being a trending topic of conversation, some things come to light and remind us just why it is such a big deal...

As Index reported on the 11th of June, 2017, Croatian kids are being taught information that many may call into question, and many more would say is ''politically coloured'' to say the very least.

"Steps through History 4" is the title of a history book aimed at Croatian kids in the 4th grade of high school, the authors are Kresimir Erdelj and Igor Stojakovic and it was published by Skolska Knjiga (School Book).
In the section of the book which deals with Croatian history during the 21st century, controversial former Croatian Prime Minister Ivo Sanader is mentioned. The text of the book states that Sanader's government showed a greater degree of co-operation with Racan's Hague tribunal, stating that Sanader's government showed "increased efforts to fight corruption".
Similarly, it is alleged that although, as mentioned, Sanader's government apparently showed "increased efforts to combat corruption" people nevertheless thought that they could continue to steal from various sectors of the country. Here is an excerpt:
"Despite the solid results, Racan's government did not meet the expectations of most citizens, so in the next elections in 2003 HDZ once again took power. The new Prime Minister became Ivo Sanader, and despite the predictions that HDZ would continue Tudjman's policy, it did not survive. It could be said that Sanader continued Racan's policy of further democratisation of the country, approaching Europe (the beginning of official accession negotiations with the European Union), opening up the world capital and building a motorway. "
"In co-operation with the Hague Tribunal, Sanader's government demonstrated an even greater degree of co-operation than Racan. There were also intensified attempts to combat corruption.'' It then goes on to talk about the close victory of HDZ in the elections in 2007 and the beginning of the financial and economic crisis.
Only on the margins of the same page, under the photograph of Ivo Sanader, "in small letters", does it say: "Ivo Sanader, (...) After his sudden resignation in 2009, the public gained a completely contradictory notion about Sanader. Because of corruption and 10 years of unlawful imprisonment, the accused is in [still finds himself in] several other processes. Sanader denies all allegations and claims to be a victim of political conspiracy. "
Skolska Knjiga gave an explanation, in which it states that on the attached screenshot it can be seen ''that the subject was entirely processed" and that the authors of the book "presented a realistic picture of the situations related to the Croatian politician in question'' - a statement likely to infuriate many.
