More on the MOST ministerial wishlist.
Negotiations between HDZ president Tomislav Karamarko and MOST leader Božo Petrov will start on Monday. They will try to define the division of departments and responsibilities in future government, but that will certainly not be easy. It has been reported that MOST wants to take over the whole national security part of government, including the Ministry of Interior, the Ministry of Justice, as well as the Security Intelligence Agency. They will firmly insist on these posts, particularly since SDP president Zoran Milanović was ready to accept MOST's demands during his failed negotiations with MOST, reports Novilist on January 1, 2016.
"We know what happened earlier with these departments and therefore MOST demands full control of that part of government. It must serve exclusively to protect national security, combat corruption and crack down on crime, and not be used for political revenges, as it once was", MOST representatives explain before the meeting between Karamarko and Petrov.
For Karamarko and HDZ general secretary Milijan Brkić, who both spent their almost entire careers in the police and the intelligence community, that will certainly be hard to accept. But, in order to try to show that it is not true that MOST never really seriously considered a coalition with SDP, MOST will probably be hard negotiator and will not want to go below what they had agreed during the failed negotiations with Milanović. Karamarko yesterday admitted that he was prepared for such a possibility.
"There will certainly be some problems. When people talk and try to find solutions, there are always different opinions. But, it is important for the government to bring together expert people. It is certain that the closest associates of future Prime Minister Tihomir Tim Orešković who will deal with the issues of finance, economy or entrepreneurship must be his choice. We will propose good candidates, but I think it is fair that his decision is the final one", Karamarko said. But, over the issue of who will be the Minister of Justice, Interior, or some of the other departments, Karamarko and Petrov will probably have the last word, since it is thanks to them that Orešković, who is a non-partisan candidate, will become the Prime Minister.
Unlike Petrov, HDZ president is not concerned with the question whether MOST and HDZ will officially be in a coalition, or will just collaborate in government. "It is a collaboration, but let us not worry about exact terms. It is important for our dual system to be functional and efficient. It does not matter what we call it, but it has to be effective, we have to work together and make some results", Karamarko said.