New rules for migrants and refugees transiting Croatia and Slovenia from Serbia.
Starting from 1 January, 2106, Croatia and Slovenia have introduced new procedures for refugees from war-affected areas coming into the two countries from Serbia. Before the refugees enter the train which will take them to Croatia and further to Western Europe, Serbian police now have to submit to their Croatian colleagues a list with the names of the people in the train and their countries of origin. Also, the trains must not include more than 940 people, in order to reduce the danger for possible incidents. Croatian police will forward the lists to Slovenian police before the trains reach the Croatian-Slovenian border, reports and 24Sata.
"The new rules which were introduced by Croatia and Slovenia for transfer of migrants and refugees will not be a problem for Serbia because it already compiles lists of all persons which enter its territory on the migrant route", said Aleksandar Vulin, Serbian Minister of Labour and Social Welfare.
Commenting on the decision of Slovenian and Croatian authorities to introduce new rules for transportation and registration of migrants, which include the reduction of number of people which can be transferred in a train, Vulin confirmed that in the future there will never be more than 940 migrants in a single train, and that all the people who board the train must be included on the corresponding lists with information about their names and countries of origin.
"For Serbia, this decision does not represent any major problem or additional effort, given the fact that such lists are being prepared in Preševo in southern Serbia, where all the migrants receive necessary documents", Vulin said. He confirmed that Serbia has already informed the Macedonian authorities about the measures introduced by Croatian and Slovenian governments, adding that Skopje will adapt to these requirements. "The decisions of Slovenian and Croatian governments relate to Serbia, and consequently Serbia's decision will immediately be reflected on Macedonia as well", Vulin added.
In Serbia, there are currently about a thousand migrants who are moving from the reception centre in Preševo to reception centres in Adaševci and Šid. According to Vulin, low temperatures and winter weather conditions are not a problem because "all reception facilities are heated", including the tents provided within the reception centres".