
HDZ and MOST to Continue Negotiations on Forming New Croatian Government

By 4 January 2016

Negotiations for the new government continue.

Leaders of HDZ, its coalition partners and MOST will resume talks on forming the new government today afternoon. HDZ President Tomislav Karamarko said that they will present to MOST their ideas about how the Government should function and will propose a plan of reorganization of the public administration system. He also pointed out the need for drastic reduction in the number of state agencies, departments, offices and public institutions, which there are currently more than 200. The final decision about the names of ministers will be made by Prime Minister-Designate Tihomir Orešković, Karamarko said, reports Index.hr on January 4, 2015.

MOST has publicly announced that it wants to have under its control the Interior Ministry. Spokesman Nikola Grmoja explained the request saying that it was necessary in order for the fight against crime and corruption to be more effective. MOST is also expected to ask for ministries of public administration, justice, environmental protection, agriculture, and entrepreneurship.

The leaders of the coalition should also discuss a proposal on the establishment of a holding company which would include all public and state enterprises, while the number of ministries should be reduced from 20 to 17, including one new ministry, the Ministry of Demographic Policy.

HDZ has also announced a drastic reduction in the number of agencies and institutions, including the formation of a joint Procurement Office. HDZ president Karamarko said on his Facebook page that they have plans that will give incentives to opening a large number of new jobs which will be a driving force of economic recovery. "We will start implementing measures to ensure a more uniform development of Croatia", Karamarko said. Zagreb, Split, Osijek and Rijeka should become centres which will spread their economic power to surrounding areas. "We need to secure jobs to young people in Croatia, while Croats living abroad should have the opportunity to return and invest in Croatia", HDZ president said.

MOST spokesperson Nikola Grmoja said that they had already discussed possible merger of ministries of entrepreneurship and the economy, while energy brief could be moved from the ministry of economy and merged with the ministry of environmental protection.

The media reports that HDZ will demand the abolition of the office of First Vice President of Government. Instead, they would introduce the post of Deputy Prime Minister. Also, the new government should have one more vice president than the current government. In addition to vice presidents for social and economic policies, there should be a new vice president for homeland security, since Croatia does not have a homeland security strategy. There will also be one vice president without portfolio.

The candidates for four posts immediately below the Prime Minister are: HDZ president Tomislav Karamarko, MOST leader Božo Petrov, Ivan Lovrinović from MOST, and HSS president Branko Hrg.
