
Croatian President Visits New Zealand

By 19 August 2017

After Australia, President Kolinda Grabar-Kitarović has arrived in New Zealand.

Croatian President Kolinda Grabar-Kitarović has arrived in New Zealand where she will meet with Prime Minister Bill English, government representatives and members of the Croatian community living in the country, reports Index.hr on August 19, 2017.

Grabar-Kitarović was greeted with a hongi, a traditional Maori nose greeting, and attended the Powhiri welcome ceremony performed by members of indigenous groups, as well as haka, their traditional war dance.

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The president has met with New Zealand Governor Patsy Reddy and other state officials.

In a conversation with the Governor, the President pointed out that this state visit confirmed what was already well known, that is that Croatia and New Zealand were two friendly countries, although separated by many miles, time zones, climates and even seasons of the year, according to a statement issued by the Office of the President.

The President stressed that the Croatian community in New Zealand played a significant role in the successful relationship between the two countries. There are more than a hundred thousand people of Croat origin living in New Zealand, and the community enjoys an excellent reputation.

In addition to the fact that Croatia and New Zealand mark 25 years since the establishment of diplomatic relations this year, Grabar-Kitarović also said that this year marked the 159th anniversary of the arrival of the first Croats in New Zealand.

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Most of them came from Dalmatia, a region known for fishing and winemaking, which is precisely what connects the two states, the statement said. After coming to New Zealand, Croats have continued with great success to develop knowledge regarding fisheries, olive growing and wine production, the President pointed out.

During the evening, President Grabar-Kitarovic met in Auckland with the representatives of the Croatian community in New Zealand, while on Monday she will meet with Prime Minister Bill English.

Translated from Index.hr.
