The drama around Pelješac Bridge continues as the neighbours continue with their protest against the project.
As Dubrovacki Dnevnik reports on the 5th of September, 2017, Minister Osmanović told the portal ''Klix'' that it is allegedly "quite clear" that Croatia cannot build anything near the border with Bosnia and Herzegovina without the approval of the BiH Council of Ministers.
In Osmanović's letter to the Croatian Minister of the Sea, Transport and Infrastructure (Oleg Butković), as well as to the European Commission, the issue of construction of the Pelješac Bridge was linked with the establishment of the border at sea. It is now being pointed out out that there are apparently "serious legal obstacles" regarding the construction.
BiH's Minister of Justice also wrote in a letter addressed to Minister Butković and the European Commission that there were no legal impediments. Osmanović reacted by letting his colleague know that his job is to deal with the judicial system and not Pelješac Bridge.
"The (BiH) Minister of Justice has no authority over it, and I don't know what basis he ever had in discussing the border and Pelješac Bridge, which is not his responsibility'' stated Osmanović.
The issues surrounding the eventual construction of Pelješac Bridge are ongoing and certainly nothing less than plentiful, many Bosnian political figures are unhappy with the idea and Plenković is doggedly determined that the project is of enormous significance to the Republic of Croatia and that it will go ahead regardless of anything, claiming that all the necessary details regarding the construction have been presented clearly and honestly to neighbouring Bosnia and Herzegovina and that there should not be a problem.