
Finance Ministry: ''Zdravko Marić Has Not Announced New Vehicle Tax''

By 19 September 2017

It seems Mr Marić was misunderstood...

As Poslovni Dnevnik reports on the 19th of September, 2017, the Ministry of Finance has responded to numerous media interpretations of Minister Marić's comments when he appeared as a guest of Croatian Radio's "Business Week".

The Ministry of Finance has stated that Finance Minister Zdravko Marić has not announced the introduction of any new tax or any increase in the existing tax burden on motor vehicles.

"The Finance Minister has not announced the introduction of any new tax, nor [has he announced] the increase of the existing tax burden on motor vehicles, and the drawing of other conclusions from Mr Marić's statement [have been taken] tendentially and maliciously," stated the short notice published by the Ministry of Finance on its website.

Despite obviously having been ''misunderstood'' by the media and the public, certain comments made by Minister Marić concerned people following threats of the introduction of property tax, the controversy surrounding which has seen several protests take place in numerous cities around the country.
