Ivica Todorić takes aim at Martina Dalić and Andrej Plenković in the latest of his series of outbursts on his blog.
Poslovni Dnevnik reports on the latest of Ivica Todorić's blog posts on the 29th of September, 2017.
The blog, which has found itself one of the main subjects of the media (as well as satire) over the past few days, has been the means for Agrokor's former boss to accuse numerous individuals in positions of political power of ill will regarding the messy situation in Agrokor and Lex Agrokor (law) which subsequently followed.
Almost everyone from Prime Minister Andrej Plenković to Agrokor's government appointed extraordinary commissioner, Ante Ramljak, have found themselves in the frustrated former boss' proverbial firing line.
''I can't wait for Martina Dalić's lawsuits, given that I don't have amnesia but a living memory, and also all the necessary evidence to prove that the one who is responsible for the hijacking of Agrokor is shamelessly lying!'' wrote Ivica Todorić, this time taking aim at the Deputy PM.
Todorić also responded after Plenković's official response to the former Agrokor boss' recent series of accusations:
''Mr. Prime Minister, when you're telling people about collective amnesia from some Baltic country then you obviously forget that the people have a much longer memory than politics would like them to have. And I have a long memory, and the events of February the 26th and March the 26th this year, I'll remember forever. I'll remind you that we've seen each other only twice in life. Our second meeting, unlike the first one, happened on my initiative, and I presented Stand still (project) to you. Besides me and you, the meeting was attended by Martina Dalić and Davor Božinović. Then, you told me how you'd give the banks a recommendation on the Stand still project yourself. But you didn't, you left me with no information, and you activated Lex [Agrokor] even though you didn't have documentation from the company or any conditions prescribed by the law to do so! That is the truth, Prime Minister.
And it's true that Martina Dalić threatened me and my family, it's true that [she did it through] a means of communication that can't be deleted. It's true that the threats were very direct, some of them were [directed at] witnesses. Amnesia? It's enough for her to look in the archives of her mailbox. It's also true that I'm preparing a whole series of [legal] proceedings against individuals and institutions whose involvement with Agrokor was unlawful. And I can hardly wait for Martina Dalić's lawsuits, given that I don't have amnesia, but a living memory, and also all the necessary evidence to prove that the one who is responsible for the hijacking of Agrokor is shamelessly lying!"
Croatian Prime Minister Andrej Plenković was in Tallinn, Estonia, on Friday and commented on the latest accusation from Agrokor's Ivica Todorić, saying it wouldn't be good to arrive to a [state of] "collective amnesia" about the reality of the situation throughout the past six months. Todorić's ''Baltic country'' comments were in reference to Plenković's statement given from Estonia.