
“Raped Women Should Be Forced to Give Birth”

By 13 October 2017

The “progressive” proposal is supported by 168,000 signatures.

Members of the Vigilare association and their pro-life supporters have submitted 168,000 signatures to Deputy Speaker of Parliament Željko Reiner demanding the introduction of a complete ban on abortion in Croatia. Of course, they do not call it a ban, but instead talk about “the protection of every life,” reports Index.hr on October 13, 2017.

How far they want to go in their attempt to ban abortion was best demonstrated by Vice Vincent John Batarelo, who believes that even raped women should not have the right to abortion. “That child is entitled to birth, just like every other child. Who are we to decide which child should be born? Why would a child be punished for the crime which took place? It has been scientifically proven that raped women have a lower percentage of abortion,” said Batarelo, without providing any proof in support of his claims.

The signatures were brought to the Parliament in 12 strollers, as a symbolic reminder that 12 abortions take place every day in Croatia. Their goal is not just to ban abortions, but also to reject the ratification of the Istanbul Convention, claiming that it promotes gender ideology, erasing differences between sexes.

“Children are our future, the future of all of us gathered here, and the future of our homeland of Croatia. Today, we speak for them and their rights, primarily for the youngest ones who are usually ignored and who do not have a voice, for the unborn. There are 168,561 citizens who have signed the national petition for life,” said Batarelo, who is the president of Vigilare.

“We have had enough of demagogy and falsehoods, for example – that we do not know when the life begins, that this is just a women’s issue, and that children become persons only when they are born. We have had enough of those who relativise everything and believe they are the ones to decide who will and who will not get a chance to live. Now, they judge the unborn, tomorrow they will do it for the ill, and who knows who will be next,” said worried Batarelo, adding that the right to abortion came from communism.

He said that the abortion in the communist Croatia was legalized in 1978. “The current generation can change this because it lives in democratic Croatia, so today we are here on behalf of tens of thousands of Croatian families to say there is no place for abortion in Croatia,” said Batarelo, simultaneously calling on Prime Minister Plenković not to ratify the Istanbul Convention.

The gathering brought together some 200 members of Vigilare, GROZD and similar conservative NGOs, who want to take away women’s right to decide whether to give birth or not.

Translated from Index.hr.
