
Todorić Posts Press Release, Calls ''Aggression'' Against Him Political Affair

By 16 October 2017

Ivica Todorić posts a press release on his blog, in which he claims the aggression unleashed against him and his ex Agrokor team is politically charged.

The situation facing the ailing Agrokor company seems to have taken an even more personal turn as Ivica Todorić, assumed to currently be abroad, has publicly accused Gordan Jandroković of having access to information that he shouldn't, and this morning, we woke up to the news that Ivica Todorić's home, among the homes of other people of interest in Agrokor's former management team, is being searched by the authorities.

As usual, we bring you Ivica Todorić's latest blog post, this time in the form of a press release on the 16th of October, 2017, translated into English:

Although unexpected, because in Agrokor, the institutions of the legal state certainly won't find any criminal offenses, the pressure of politics and the media lynch which has already ruled without justice has triggered an aggression against me and the people who, I can assure you, aren't guilty.

If they'd found one euro of alienated or embezzled money on me, I'd have been in jail. But that simply isn't true. This is a political process. I'm not ready to [just] look on and wait [as they do this through their well known ways].

Alongside my Croatian and my international legal team, I'm preparing [my] defense and lawsuits which will, in court epilogies, illuminate and bring to justice all those who, by [the act of] criminal activity and [the passing of an] unconstitutional law (Lex Agrokor), have created a screen for the biggest looting of private property in contemporary Europe.

That's what I'll do within the next few days, because they've seriously violated my human rights.

I'll also be available to the institutions of the legal state, also to the Parliamentary Investigative Commission or its representatives, if, as was probably agreed during Saturday's government meeting, it [the parliamentary investigative commission] is abolished in order to conceal the crimes and hide the truth.

I'll continue to [publicly] fight for the truth which has to put a stop to the illegal and counter-offensive actions of Prime Minister Plenković, Minister Božinović (Interior Minister) and Mrs. Dalić (Deputy PM), who are politically supporting Ramljak and Agrokor's [current] people, and who are causing unremunerated political, economic and financial damages to Croatia.

Neither arrests, nor any legal irregularity in the light of all these circumstances will prevent me [from doing that].


Ivica Todorić's blog post (press release) translated from ivicatodoric.hr
