
“Hybrid Media War” Being Waged against Croatia?

By 29 November 2017

The government wants to make us believe that any criticism is part of some mysterious anti-Croatian effort.

Thanks to the inability of Prime Minister Andrej Plenković and his closest associates to cope with the avalanche of criticism, the term “hybrid media war” has almost overnight turned into the most popular expression in Croatia. So far, it was usually used more or less exclusively for Moscow's attempts to manipulate the political situation in the United States and Western Europe. But now, Andrej Plenković and his ministers have started using it, without any evidence or arguments, for all those who dare to criticise them, reports Index.hr on November 29, 2017.

After repeated statements by Prime Minister Plenković about the “hybrid media war,” which were accepted not only by the government-friendly media, but also by Plenković's ministers, headed by Defence Minister Damir Krstičević who was recently accused of copying parts of his thesis at a US war school, which he denied and then accused journalists of being part of the “hybrid war,” it has become clear that the term “hybrid media war” is now the primary excuse for the lack of promised reforms and the inability to tackle the most important problems of the society.

The independent media pose unpleasant questions about Agrokor? That is the hybrid war. Defence Minister is accused of copying other peoples’ sentences without attribution? That is the hybrid media war. You do not consider government-appointed commissioner in Agrokor Ante Ramljak as the saviour of the Croatian economy? You are, of course, a hybrid media warrior.

Where the former socialist Yugoslavia had “internal and external enemies,” Croatia now has “hybrid media warriors.” The only thing which has changed from the times of the totalitarian Yugoslavia is the name of the ruling party (although many party members have remained the same).

However, the best indicator of the level of public schizophrenia in a society which has never been particularly sympathetic to sound reasoning and critical thinking anyway is yesterday's comment by Ivan Pernar, Živi Zid MP’s, who is usually one of the most prominent advocates of an entire series of conspiracy theories. Pernar, just like the party he belongs to, is known for spreading conspiracy theories, from the alleged dangers of vaccines to the so-called chemtrails and the rejection of the theory of evolution.

And when such a person accuses Plenković of entering the territory of conspiracy theories with his “hybrid media war” allegations, for which neither the Prime Minister nor any of his associates have provided a single piece of evidence, then it is entirely clear where we are.

Croatia has officially stepped into the so-called post-fact world, in which facts are completely irrelevant. What the Prime Minister and his entourage say is true just because they said it. Any evidence or arguments are entirely unnecessary, and the image of the world is shaped according to what suits the current ruling politicians.

How do we know that Croatia is in a hybrid media war? Because Plenković has said so. You think that Plenković is not telling the truth? In that case, you are a hybrid media warrior. The circular reasoning has replaced common sense, and in such a world everything is possible, even that Ivan Pernar is right.

Ironically, it is Plenković who often presents himself as a rational thinker, as opposed to the alleged populist and conspiracy theorist Pernar.

Translated from Index.hr.
