
Plenković to Slovenia: ''We can Punish your Fishermen too, it Isn't a Problem''

By 4 January 2018

Tensions have only risen in the increasingly uncomfortable situation between Croatia and Slovenia.

Andrej Plenković has retaliated to the difficulties Croatian fishermen have experienced when fishing in the disputed area between Croatia and Slovenia.

With several stories from Croatian fishermen about having to be escorted by the Croatian police in order to do their jobs and being told to leave by Slovenian authorities having surfaced, it would appear that Plenković has, in his style, issued some very firm words of support to Croatia's burdened fishermen and a fair warning to the Slovenes.

As RTL writes on the 4th of January, 2018, the Croatian PM has stated that ''our position hasn't changed for a millimeter and we're extending a hand of cooperation and normality''.

Owing to the increasing discomfort in relations between Croatia and neighbouring Slovenia following pressure from the Slovenian government to implement the arbitration decision, which has been and continues to be totally ignored by Croatia, an upcoming session of the government will see the proposal to amend the Law on Defense discussed.
