Minister Šustar speaks for N1 TV
Predrag Šustar, Croatia's new Minister of Science, Education and Sports, spoke on February 19, 2016, about the latest controversy which arose after journalists discovered his old article about Croatian scientist Ruđer Bošković in which he questioned whether the issue of evolution and the God as the designer of the world had been settled. The minister's article provoked criticism from parts of the Croatian public, including the director of the Croatian National Theatre in Rijeka Oliver Frljić who announced that in protest we would organize a burning of "undesirable books", which would include Darwin's works.
"Mr. Frljić is doing his job in a media savvy way which draws attention to his work. This makes sense in a pluralistic, democratic society. I am pleased I was able to draw attention to Ruđer Bošković and to the academic debate about the design issue, about the relationship between science and religion. This topic has not been much discussed in Croatia, but now it came out and it is a good thing that this debate has not remained confined only to the academic circles" Minister Šustar said for N1 TV.
Photo by N1 TV
"I can understand the reactions of Mr. Frljić, but I must say I am extremely glad that I was invited by students from Split to a debate where we would discuss the relationship between science and religion, which is a very interesting topic. I am a biologist and I have a lot of experience with this matter, I teach it and I know it very well. Things are crystal clear, but I am a religious believer and these are not necessarily conflicting values. It is time for the plurality of opinions to come out because the public space has been radicalized. It is great that we are debating this issue, and what Mr. Frljić has done is great, but this debate must be conducted according to certain rules. That is why I am glad that I was invited by students to present my arguments, it will be a nice and interesting discussion.
If we talk about philosophy, I belong to the Anglo-American tradition of analysis. I have learnt about the structuring of arguments at the Columbia University in New York, how to attack someone else's arguments according to certain rules. It is good that some of the things have come into the open, but all debates must have rules. It has to start happening in Croatia as well", said the new Minister of Science, Education and Sports Predrag Šustar.