An embarrassing hack on a Croatian linguistic website.
Serbian hackers attacked the popular Croatian website, posting pro-Chetnik messages and songs on February 22, 2016. is the website of the Institute of Croatian Language and Linguistics and is visited very regularly by people all over the world.
At the top of the page the hackers brazenly wrote "Vukovar - Serbian town!" (Vukovar Srpski grad!) and Serbian nationalist songs could be heard playing in the background. An image of both the Serbian and Russian national flags intertwined in the middle was also published on the site to cause unrest and provocation.
At the bottom of the page they posted a photograph of well known Serbian war criminal Vojislav Seselj with a Kalashnikov in his hand, along with the message: "Greetings from the Serbian hackers!!"
Provocation of this kind unfortunately isn't unheard of and hopefully the culprits will be found.