
137 Bosnian Citizens Fighting Abroad

By 17 February 2018

ZAGREB, February 17, 2018 - A total of 137 nationals of Bosnia and Herzegovina are fighting on foreign fronts, according to information provided by the country's security agencies that was presented to the Parliamentary Assembly of the Mediterranean by Bosnia and Herzegovina member of parliament Mirsad Isaković.

Isaković presented these figures at the 12th plenary session of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Mediterranean held in Bucharest and dedicated to terrorism and violent extremism, the fight against people smuggling, economic cooperation, climate change, Mediterranean cultural heritage and civil and human rights protection.

Addressing the event, the Bosnian MP said that four years ago Bosnia and Herzegovina was the first country in the region to amend its penal code to ban its nationals from fighting in wars abroad, introducing criminal sanctions for non-compliance with its provisions as well as for aiding or promoting participation in paramilitary formations in foreign countries.

Aside from information that 137 Bosnian nationals have been found to be fighting abroad, Isaković also said that 40 Bosnian nationals had been convicted for these activities, that proceedings were under way against 12, while four fighters who had returned to Bosnia and Herzegovina and had been convicted had again left the country to fight abroad.
