Agrokor's former longtime owner is riding the wave of hot water currently soaking its now ex extraordinary commissioner, Ante Ramljak.
Now somewhat affectionately known as ''blogger Ivica'', Ivica Todorić writes a lot of blog posts from his home in London, some are farfetched, others make you think twice, but all of them succeed in raising an eyebrow or two mid sentence.
Ante Ramljak, the now former government appointed extraordinary commissioner of Agrokor, recently stepped down from his position amid a whirlwind of accusations of wrongdoing from all sides of this increasingly messy situation. One would have naturally assumed that after almost one year since the beginning of Agrokor's enormous financial problems coming to light in the media, that things may have calmed down, at least a little bit, by now. Wrong.
Things have gone from bad to just as bad, to worse, to an absolute disaster as the weeks and months have passed, leaving not only economic instability in its wake, but rather childish name-calling, the filing of numerous criminal charges, and some extremely bizarre accusations aimed at all and sundry that have ever had anything to do with Agrokor at any time.
Many argue that the bringing in and passing of Lex Agrokor (law) at just the right time saved the Croatian domestic economy from going under, but some others argue that this controversial law is only going to lead Croatia's largest privately owned company and most powerful economic player into more dire problems, the worst being total bankruptcy. Todorić, the ailing company's former owner, is one of those people.
In his latest blog post, written on the 23rd of February, 2018, the ex Agrokor boss states that he has filed a criminal charge for the ''falsification of Agrokor's financial statements'', in yet another uncomfortable blow to an already bogged down Ramljak, who is now out of a job.
We bring you Todorić's latest blog post translated in full into English below:
''Due to the unimaginable manipulation in the preparation of Agrokor's financial statements for the year 2016, I've filed a new criminal report against Agrokor's Ante Ramljak, the company's extraordinary commissioner. After having learned from the analysis of Agrokor's audited consolidated financial statements for 2016, it's become evident that the financial statements are untrustworthy, false, and don't correspond with the actual state of affairs.
This, in many ways, has been confirmed by PwC [auditors] in its audit opinion. Given the fact that the financial statements for 2016 are the starting point for all of the processes launched within Agrokor, I expect that the competent institutions will quickly and easily determine all the circumstances I'm pointing out in this criminal report. The full text of the criminal report, as well as the complete review of the revised consolidated financial statements of Agrokor d.d. as of December the 31st, 2016, done by Sigma BC, can be read below.'' [Click here to see the report if you can read Croatian]
Ivica Todorić's blog post translated in full from