
Government to Allow Limited Use of Ustasha Slogan?

By 28 February 2018

ZAGREB, February 28, 2018 - Croatia punishes all forms of glorification of fascist regimes but allows the use of the "For the Homeland Ready" salute strictly to commemorate soldiers killed in the 1991-95 Homeland War, according to one of the main recommendations and guidelines sent to the government on Wednesday by the Council for dealing with the consequences of undemocratic regimes.

After today's Council session, Prime Minister Andrej Plenković said the "For the Homeland Ready" salute, registered as part of statutory provisions of certain associations related to the activities of HOS (Croatian Defence Forces) during the Homeland War, was contrary to the Croatian constitution.

HOS was an armed wing of the Croatian Party of Rights (HSP) in the Homeland War. The salute "For the Homeland Ready" was used by the Nazi-allied Independent State of Croatia (1941-45).

"Therefore, there is no dilemma about that and the Council has clearly said so, but it has also acknowledged that it can be used as an exception, subject to special approval, in situations strictly envisaged by law. That's the gist of that recommendation," Plenković said.

Responding to questions from the press, Council chairman Zvonko Kusić said such an exception could be, for example, a commemoration for an HOS member. He noted, however, that these were the Council's recommendations and that it was now up to the legislature to specify such circumstances.

The Council members concluded that the red star and communist symbols denoting the antifascist struggle in World War II were not questionable.
