
Vulin Calls Croatia’s Ban a “Provocation”

By 22 April 2018

ZAGREB, April 22, 2018 - Serbian Defence Minister Aleksandar Vulin said on Sunday that the Croatian Foreign Ministry's decision to ban him from entering Croatia was an act of provocation and an attempt to silence "someone who speaks the truth about Jasenovac," announcing Serbia's resolute reaction, according to the Belgrade media.

Vulin said on Saturday that "it is only the Serbian Army's supreme commander Aleksandar Vučić who can decide on his travel to Croatia and that this cannot be decided by Croatian ministers".

After that, the Croatian Foreign and European Affairs Ministry issued a statement saying that Serbian Defence Minister Vulin, who has announced his arrival in Jasenovac for Sunday, is not welcome in Croatia for the time being, condemning his statement. Such statement given by Vulin has made him persona non grata until further notice, the Croatian ministry said in its explanation.

The ministry's note forwarded to the embassy reminds Serbia's authorities that Croatia is a sovereign country, a member of the European Union and NATO, and decisions on allowing foreign citizens to enter Croatia fall exclusively within the jurisdiction of Croatian institutions, in line with Croatian laws. Vulin's mentioning Vučić as the army supreme commander who would decide on allowing anybody to enter Croatia is unacceptable and inappropriate attempt to negate Croatia's sovereignty, the ministry says.

The Croatian ministry also pointed out that Vulin's statement was another act of provocation made by a Serbian official following a disgraceful incident in the Serbian parliament during the 18 April visit of a Croatian parliamentary delegation to Belgrade, adding that it definitely undermined endeavours to develop good neighbourly relations.

Vulin said on Sunday that Serbian President Vučić would soon voice his opinion about Croatia's decision, the Belgrade based Beta news agency reported. "This is Croatia's attempt to silence someone who speaks the truth about Jasenovac," Vulin said.

"The most horrible truth about Jasenovac is not only what happened there, but the fact that Croatia today will not show remorse for what it had done," Vulin told Radio Television Serbia.

Vulin said he mentioned Vučić in the context of making a decision on his travelling to Croatia because the procedure requires the defence minister to consult with the army supreme commander who then gives him permission.

Serbian Deputy Prime Minister Zorana Mihajlović also commented on Croatia's decision saying that it presented a violation of basic human rights on which Europe rests, adding that this decision would not help relations between the two countries.
