
Todorić Claims Plenković Must Follow Dalić and Resign

Is Ivica Todorić finally feeling a sense of satisfaction amid worries about his extradition from the United Kingdom? It's likely.

The now former Deputy PM Martina Dalić has found herself in not hot, but boiling water as the situation surrounding her more than questionable level of involvement in the murky waters of the Agrokor scandal unfolded, revealing the extent of her dealings with the penning of Lex Agrokor, and, embarrassingly enough, the fact that incriminating correspondence between herself and people she repeatedly claimed never to have met or had anything to do with had been carried out via Hotmail, of all possible platforms. MSN, anyone?

Just days ago, amid cross party and public calls for her to resign, or for Plenković to dismiss her, she defiantly claimed she wouldn't step down. Of course, she now has left her ministerial position at the PM's side, and if anyone at all is feeling just a little bit of satisfaction from all this, it's bound to be the former Agrokor boss himself, Ivica Todorić, who wrote extensively about suspicious emails and messages from his London home. As we stated in a previous article, Martina Dalić's secret passion for Hotmail doesn't necessarily mean that Todorić is right or just in all of his admittedly pretty bizarre claims, but it does make one wonder about the distance she has gone, and while everyone laughed at the disgraced ex Agrokor boss when he first wrote inflammatory blogs about strange emails he allegedly received from Dalić, it can be said with some certainty, as they once did in the old films about the lawless American West - ain't nobody laughing now.

''I built Agrokor up for forty years in the most honest way, and all of my 60,000 people, my management, and myself, really are huge victims of our shared contribution to society.'' wrote Todorić on his blog.

''I want to point out the following, from the 20th of October, 2016, when confidence in the present Croatian Government was upheld, until the 12th of February, 2017, nobody from any state institution contacted, nor did they talk to either me, as the owner of Agrokor, or anyone from the management body.

However, obviously Dalić and her people from the Borg Group actively cooperated with Agrokor's moles, for months, they'd been taking official confidential documentation and this is the real job of DORH who could easily take exception to the presentation to the government that [Ante] Ramljak delivered before he became the government appointed extraordinary commissioner [for Agrokor, now former]. That way it would be easy to find a source of that data and those documents.

I'd like to particularly emphasise the fact that Ramljak had a presentation in the government before the vote for [the enforcing of] Lex Agrokor and we all know what the status was then. He was, as has been discovered in these mails, a member of Dalić's private secret Borg Group. Plenkovic, as the mails showed, was informed about everything that undoubtedly means that he had full control over the process of seizing Agrokor. How could he get people in the government who came upon this documentation to come unlawfully? Dalić gave these people confidential documents from the Croatian company, thus abolishing all the norms of democracy and the rule of law. Every prime minister of every democratic country would have stepped down from that moment. This is indefensible on Premier Plenković's part. You have become Plijenković [plijen: to loot, steal, pillage], With your obviously planned moves, you've turned Agrokor into swag for private interests. And that, put simply, isn't permissible.

And, wait for this - with Agrokor's management, nobody, except for in a secret meeting (which was a pure spin, and no some meeting) even said the letter ''A''. Why did nobody bother to at least ask me if I was having some problems? For a government to deal with the largest company in the country in this way is simply inconceivable.

And look, if Agrokor was in trouble, then they should have talked to us, tried to figure out possible problems, and to ask us about the solutions that we, as I've already proved, had on the table. As opposed to such communication, there were private groups with their plans to destroy things for their own benefit.

I think that now these new facts [have been revealed], Plenković has to resign!

Prime Minister Plenković and Dalić and their "groups" have caused enormous financial and political damage, theyv'e shamed Croatia and will continue doing just that. I've been writing to him for days - What else is coming? What more damage is there to be done?

You know why I'm so confident in my messages?

I know that what I built and then built up some more [Agrokor Group] was the most competitive and and successful, something that nobody in this part of south eastern Europe has ever succeeded in doing. It was me against it all, and sometimes against the public.'' Todorić continues, in another typical turn to how honestly he claims to have run the economic giant, the crisis of which shook Croatia in a way that hasn't since long been seen.

''I also know that this what Plenković, Dalić and their ''groups'' are doing is deeply illegal and immoral, and that every day they're damaging the state, HDZ, Croatian citizens, and dragging all of us together into a swamp.'' concludes Agrokor's former top dog.
