
Josip Broz Tito’s Birthday Celebrated in Kumrovec

By 27 May 2018

ZAGREB, May 27, 2018 - Several thousand people gathered in Kumrovec, northwestern Croatia, on Saturday to celebrate the birthday of the Yugoslav communist leader, Josip Broz Tito, which had been known during his rule as the Youth Day.

The event was organised by the federation of the Josip Broz Tito associations, whose chairman Jovan Vejnović said that the purpose of the gathering was to reaffirm the positive values and achievements of the Yugoslav system.

He said he was proud that this year's celebration was sponsored by Krapina-Zagorje County, noting that the central government provided no support. "Not only do they see us as nostalgists, but also as criminals. This is the official interpretation coming from the highest circles in Croatia," Vejnović said and added, "We are not nostalgic for the past but for the fact that those were better times."

The head of the Federation of Antifascist Fighters and Antifascists (SABA) Franjo Habulin said that political circles in Croatia and other countries of the former Yugoslavia offered the same – "nationalism, religion and no prospects", which was why young people were emigrating. He urged politicians in all countries of the former Yugoslavia to address the problems that had accumulated since the 1991-1995 war.

"We should take the path of cooperation, understanding, respect and tolerance. I call on the politicians to open up to economic cooperation as a prerequisite for economic growth, job creation and higher living standards, and we will see fewer young people leaving," Habulin said.

The deputy prefect of Krapina-Zagorje County Jasna Petek said that the county authorities had decided to sponsor the event because Josip Broz Tito was an important historical figure and that they wanted to capitalise on this fact for the benefit of the local tourism industry.

"The 10,000 people who are expected here today are really worth our attention and we should see how to attract visitors not just once a year but all year round. That is what the municipal and county authorities will work towards," Petek said.

The mayor of Kumrovec Robert Šplajt said, "Josip Broz Tito is one of the great historical figures and a global brand and Kumrovec should take advantage of that."
