
MOST Leader Wants Government to Adopt His Party’s Proposals

By 1 June 2018

ZAGREB, June 1, 2018 - The leader of the opposition MOST party Božo Petrov said on Friday that he was pleased that President Kolinda Grabar-Kitarović had commended the party's work, and criticised the government for ignoring bills that MOST had put forward to parliament.

"We consider that today, when Croatia is suffering under politicians who are looking out for their own interests and positions, it is exceptionally important to show that it can and should be different. That is why a large number of experts are working on the Stay Movement, MOST’s platform which consists of a series of legislative initiatives aimed at stopping people from emigrating," Petrov said.

He added that one of the demographic measures was a well paid job and that apart from demographic measures, MOST’s initiative is also aimed at entrepreneurship, economic measures, efficient public administration and the fight against corruption and clientelism.

He recalled that they have been presenting the measures around the country for months now. "I am glad that many experts, and it seems that the president also noticed this, have recognised the constructiveness of our measures while the government is continuing to ignore bills that we have put forward to parliament," Petrov said.

Grabar-Kitarović on Friday criticised the government and Prime Minister Andrej Plenković for rejecting a joint meeting to discuss the problems of demography and citizens with blocked accounts, while commended MOST’s Stay Movement initiative.
