
New US Ambassador to Croatia: Meet Nominee Julieta Valls Noyes

By 26 July 2015

The State Department has released an introduction of new US Ambassador to Croatia nominee, Julieta Valls Noyes.

Julieta Valls Noyes, a career member of the Foreign Service, was named as the nominee to be the next U.S. Ambassador to Croatia on March 26, 2015. If she’s confirmed, it will be the first such posting for Noyes.

Noyes, the daughter of Cuban refugees, graduated from Wellesley College in 1984 and joined the Foreign Service the following year. In a later interview, she credited doing service work in Guatemala as a teen with inspiring her career in diplomacy. Her first posting was as vice consul in the U.S. consulate in the border city of Ciudad Juárez, Mexico. In 1987, she was sent to the embassy in Guatemala City, Guatemala as political officer before being brought home in 1989 as the Panama desk officer in the Bureau of American Republics Affairs. She returned to Mexico in 1993 as the assistant press officer in the embassy in Mexico City.

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