
Government Trying to Find Money to Pay Shipbuilders Salaries

By 27 August 2018

ZAGREB, August 27, 2018 - After meeting with the striking council from the Pula- and Rijeka-based shipyards on Monday, Economy Minister Darko Horvat said that intensive effort was being made to secure two wages for workers at the Uljanik Group and that he hoped that by the end of the week a solution would be found for at least one pay.

"Intensive work is being done to secure two wages for workers at the Uljanik Group and I hope that by the end of the week we will have a solution for at least one pay," Horvat told reporters after meeting with representatives of the strike council for the Uljanik and 3. Maj docks.

He said that a consensus had been reached at the meeting for shipbuilding to continue in Pula and Rijeka but based on a different model so that shipyards become profitable.

Let's not allow this situation to be repeated, Horvat said and underscored that this was the last chance for the shipyards to be put to their purpose and to become profitable companies.

The Uljanik Group's supervisory board and general assembly have to make a decision about the future of the management board, he added.

The president of the Alliance of Independent Trade Unions of Croatia, Mladen Novosel, told reporters that efforts were being made to secure funds to pay out wages through commercial bank loans and that workers would end their strike as soon as they receive their July wages.
