
Todorić: ''We've Got Unbelievable Evidence, I'm the Victor''

By 8 September 2018

Agrokor's former main man fights on in the fog of London.

Everyone rightfully assumed that September the 6th was going to be the end of the road for the Todorić-London affair, with numerous reports of late claiming this to be the ''final step before his extradition to Croatia.''

Despite his threats to exercise every legal measure offered to him by the British justice system, his extradition continues to looms, and nobody expected yet another delay in proceedings.

The founder and former chairman of the giant Agrkor Group naturally took the opportunity to voice his happiness to a group of gathered journalists in front of the Westminster Court in the British capital, his own personal verdict and assessment of the situation was that this was a victory for not only him, but for all those fighting against corruption in the Republic of Croatia.

Just as he has promised in much, much earlier blog posts of his, Todorić continues to claim that he is in possession of new and damning evidence in the Agrokor case, which could not only manage to secure him a continued stay in the United Kingdom, but are apparently also heavily tied to the Croatian prime minister, Andrej Plenković (HDZ).

"We've got unbelievable evidence, we've got incredible evidence," Ivica Todorić told N1 just one day after the High Court in London accepted the request of his attorneys to postpone the extradition decision to Croatia.

As Poslovni Dnevnik writes on the 8th of September, 2018, the aforementioned London Court is expecting this ''new evidence'' to be presented in Todorić's defence. Otherwise, it is expected that the British authorities will finally decide on Ivica Todorić's extradition to Croatia on October the 15th this year.

During a conversation for N1, Todorić concluded matters by saying: ''I can't lose, I've already won. I'm the winner, and you can all see the truth.''
