
“Medak Pocket” Operation Anniversary Marked with Convicted War Criminal in Attendance

By 9 September 2018

ZAGREB, September 9, 2018 - A ceremony was held in the central town of Gospić on Sunday to commemorate the 25th anniversary of the Croatian military and police operation in the Medak area.

The event was attended by Defence Minister Damir Krstičević who said Croatia must be proud of the operation which brought peace and freedom to the Gospić region.

The event was also attended by retired general Mirko Norac who has been convicted of war crimes.

"We must be proud of Operation Medak Pocket, and as far as Mirko Norac is concerned, it was war, he was the commander in the Gospić region, he is carrying his cross, and I am glad that he is here with us today," Krstičević said.

Twenty five years ago, the Croatian forces rolled back Serb aggressors from the area of Medak, who had shelled Gospić on a daily basis from that pocket 20 kilometres southeast of the town.

Local officials and war veterans placed wreaths and lit candles at the monument erected for the killed Croatian soldiers and civilians.

A mass was served in the local Catholic church.
