
Parliament Debates Dismissal of Health Minister

By 12 October 2018

ZAGREB, October 12, 2018 - Health Minister Milan Kujundžić, at the end of an eight-hour long session late on Thursday evening, thanked all MPs who took part in a debate, as well as those who had signed a petition for his dismissal, saying that by doing so they have created room for a discussion about the health system, but he also criticised some MPs for their ignorance and populism which provoked a storm of reactions within the opposition who accused him of insulting them.

"It is easy to talk to people who know things, unlike those who know very little about the health system and medicine and who have nowhere to return to. I personally, If I am no longer minister, there is no hospital in Croatia or the world that I cannot get a job at tomorrow. And where are you going to go once you are no longer have a seat in parliament?" Kujundžić said in his closing argument.

Addressing many MPs, the minister asked them why they were using untruths and ignorance and asked them to think about what they were doing, what results they have achieved and what kind of salaries will they have once they leave parliament.

Gordan Maras of the Social Democratic Party (SDP) said this Kujundžić's behaviour was aggressive and shameful and aimed at humiliating MPs and just like his party colleague Željko Jovanović, Maras wished Kujundžić to return to the hospital "where he is good at, because as a minister he was no good at all."

Kujundžić responded he had only stooped to their level so they can understand him.

Jovanović asked the person presiding over the session to warn Kujundžić as he was insulting MPs, notably his colleagues doctors by saying that they have no clue about anything. "He has already been warned by the Croatia Medical chamber and he will be warned again." Jovanović said.

MPs will vote on a no-confidence motion against Kujundžić on Friday.
