
Journalists “Raise” Money to Help President Travel to Croatia's Match against England

By 18 November 2018

Croatian President Kolinda Grabar Kitarović attended the recent football match between Croatia and Spain in Zagreb. Croatia scored in the last moments of the game, winning the match against the Spaniards, and the president was in a great mood after the game, reports Index.hr on November 18, 2018.

“It was a lot of stress, but I told you we would win. I congratulate all the players and manager Dalić. It was a good match and the outcome was uncertain until the very end,” said the president.

She watched the match among the fans. “Congratulations to all the supporters, they were great today,” said Grabar-Kitarović, adding that she was sitting next to the family of Jean Michael Nicolier, a Frenchman who died during the Homeland War while defending Vukovar.

On Sunday, Croatia will play the decisive match in the UEFA Nations League against England in London. The president said she would like to go, but was not sure whether she would have enough money.

“I do not know whether I will manage. The match is decisive, but I will attend the finals of the Davis Cup tennis competition, so I am not sure whether I will have financial resources to go to Wembley this year too,” the president told reporters.

Journalists writing for Index.hr, Croatia’s most popular news website, have decided to help the president travel to London. While it is not a secret that Index.hr is not a great supporter of President Kolinda Grabar-Kitarović, the journalists decided not to allow mere poverty to prevent the president from enjoying the football match.

The journalists searched their pockets and wallets and found 40 euro needed to pay for a flight to London. However, the flight is from Salzburg, Austria, since flights from Zagreb are terribly expensive. But when you do not have a lot of money, you cannot be too choosy. Index.hr says it would be best if the president were to collect the tickets this morning at its offices. The journalists will even drive the president to Salzburg, and in London, she will certainly be provided with a seat in the stadium’s main box.

As for spending the night in London, Index has a couple of friends in London where she can sleep.

Unfortunately, it is just a one-way ticket. Index says that, if the president really has to come back, perhaps some of her supporters might foot the bill.

For more on Croatia's president, click here.
