
Pensioners’ Party Officially Joins Amsterdam Coalition

By 12 December 2018

ZAGREB, December 12, 2018 - The Croatian Pensioners Party (HSU) has decided to join the recently-formed Amsterdam Coalition and run together with other coalition partners in the European Parliament election, scheduled for May 2019.

The Amsterdam coalition, formed by three Opposition parties – the Croatian Peasant Party (HSS), the Istrian Democratic Party (IDS) and the Civic Liberal Alliance (GLAS) – formally exists as of December 8 after the leaders of the HSS, the IDS and GLAS, Krešo Beljak, Boris Miletić and Anka Mrak Taritaš respectively, signed a coalition agreement for next year's European Parliament elections.

HSU president Silvano Hrelja told Hina on Wednesday that the party leadership was confident it could help the three opposition parties win at least one seat in the European Parliament.

He also said the Amsterdam Coalition was currently the only opposition to the ruling Croatian Democratic Union (HDZ).

Asked about the issues it would advocate while campaigning for the European Parliament, Hrelja said his party wold advocate a project aimed at adding elevators to buildings with several floors, 85% of which would be co-financed by the European Commission.

After it was officially formed, the Amsterdam Coalition said they were open to cooperation with other parties, but stressed that cooperation with the HDZ or the Work and Solidarity Party led by Zagreb Mayor Milan Bandić was out of the question.

More news on the upcoming European elections can be found in our Politics section.
