
MOST Party Presents Health Care Bill Proposal

By 27 December 2018

ZAGREB, December 27, 2018 - The opposition MOST party on Thursday presented a draft law on preventing chronic non-communicable diseases (NCD), saying their health care bill was revolutionary and that it would raise the quality of life in Croatia.

The bill regulates measures of preventive health care as well as the responsibilities of those in charge of its implementation – the state, health system employees and patients, Ivan Bekavac told a news conference, adding it was critical for citizens to accept responsibility for themselves.

The draft law is unique, expert, sustainable, necessary to change the grim statistics according to which Croatia is on the top of European rankings.

The proposed law is based on facts and recommendations written by experts and not politicians and some of the preventing measures include better eating habits, especially for school children, intergenerational solidarity, volunteering.

Croatia has a law on communicable diseases but it does not have a law on chronic non-communicable diseases, of which over 40 million people die each year in the world and 23,000 in Croatia.

MOST MP Ines Strenja Linić stressed that Croatia did not yet have a national plan for fighting cancer, although it is high on the European list of malignant diseases patients.

Croatia today is among the top three countries according to chronic non-communicable diseases risk, namely cardiovascular diseases, tumours, etc.

More news on Croatia’s health system can be found in our Politics section.
