
Health Minister Responds to President’s Call for Replacement

By 4 August 2019

ZAGREB, August 4, 2019 - Health Minister Milan Kujundžić on Saturday commented on recent statements by President Kolinda Grabar-Kitarović, noting that she had the right to assess the government and ministries' work but that his performance as minister would be judged by voters.

In an interview with Croatian Radio on Friday, Grabar-Kitarović said she was unhappy that the recent government reshuffle did not include the Health Ministry.

"The labour drain is due to working conditions and not wages. The situation in the health sector is perhaps not disastrous but it is truly in a very poor state and almost nothing has been done in the past three years. I am sorry that the Health Ministry wasn't included in the last government reshuffle," she said in the interview.

In a brief statement to Hina, Kujundžić declined to comment on the president's statements, adding that there would be time for comments.

"The president is entitled to make her own assessments and my work as minister will be judged by voters," he said.

More news about the Health Ministry can be found in the Politics section.
