
Reiner Attends Ceremony of Emperor Naruhito Enthronement

By 24 October 2019

ZAGREB, October 24, 2019 - Croatian Deputy Parliament Speaker Željko Reiner attended in Tokyo on Wednesday a ceremony organised by Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe in honour of Emperor Naruhito's enthronement, parliament said in a press release.

Emperor Naruhito officially proclaimed his enthronement on Tuesday in front of guests from more than 180 countries.

Reiner briefly met Abe and invited him to visit Croatia.

He also held talks with Foreign Minister Toshimitsu Motegi on Croatia's presidency of the Council of the European Union in the first half of 2020 and the future of the EU. They also talked about Japan-EU relations, notably in light of the Strategic Partnership Agreement which Motegi said was already showing results.

Reiner also met Defence Minister Taro Kono for talks on Croatia's military industry, and Finance Minister Taro Aso, with whom he talked about the Japanese-Croatian Friendship House in Tokamachi and the reconstruction of Nagasaki, linking it to the reconstruction of Croatian towns devastated in the Homeland War.

More news about relations between Croatia and Japan can be found in the Politics section.
