
15 Assailants Who Attacked Uzdolje Cafe Guests Charged with Hate Crime

By 5 December 2019

ZAGREB, December 5, 2019 - Fifteen hooligans, who on 21 August raided a Serb-owned cafe in the village of Uzdolje, beating up some of the guests, including a child, as they were watching a TV broadcast of a football match between Red Star Belgrade and the Swiss side Young Boys, and damaging the interior of the bar, were charged with committing a hate crime in that village near Knin.

The municipal office of the Chief State Prosecutor (DORH) in Šibenik on Wednesday issued an indictment for the Uzdolje incident which reads that the defendants, who were masked and carried wooden and metal rods and a machete, attacked and inflicted bodily injuries on five guests, including a child, fans of the Serbian club Red Star.

The damage done to the cafe is estimated at 25,000 kuna (3,400 euro).

The first arrests in connection with the Uzdolje incident were made in late August, when four suspects were apprehended on suspicion of committing violence out of hatred. Ten more hooligans were arrested in early September. The 15th suspect turned himself in to the police on 12 September.

In the meantime, the prosecution has requested the extension of detention for ten of the 15 indictees.

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